Interface ProfileService

    • Method Detail

      • createProfiles

        RequestResponse<ProfileModel> createProfiles​(java.util.List<ProfileModel> profileModelList)
                                              throws VitamException
        Create a collections of profile After passing the validation steps. If all the profiles are valid, they are stored in the collection and indexed.
        The profiles are not valid in the following situations :
        • The collection contains 2 ore many profile having the same identifier
        • One or more mandatory field is missing
        • A field has an invalid format
        • One or many profile already exist in the database
        profileModelList - the list of profiles to be created
        RequestResponseOK if success or VitamError
        VitamException - if in error occurs while validating contracts
      • importProfileFile

        RequestResponse importProfileFile​(java.lang.String profileIdentifier,
                                   throws VitamException
        1. Check that the document with given id exists else return VitamError 2. Check that the document is (xsd, rng, ...) valid format else return VitamError 3. If ok, save the file is the storage with the name (the given profile id) TODO 4. In case of rng, check if RG exists ?!
        profileIdentifier - the profile identifier
        profileFile - the profile file as an input stream
        RequestResponseOK if success or VitamError
        VitamException - thrown if the profiles could not be imported
      • updateProfile

        RequestResponse<ProfileModel> updateProfile​(java.lang.String identifier,
                                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl)
                                             throws VitamException
        Update profiles after passing validation steps :
        Field modified :
        • - ActivationDate
        • - DesactivationDate
        • - LastUpdate
        • - Status
        identifier - identifier of the profile to update
        jsonDsl - the given profile dsl for update
        RequestResponseOK if success or VitamError
        VitamException - if in error occurs while validating contracts
      • updateProfile

        RequestResponse<ProfileModel> updateProfile​(ProfileModel profileModel,
                                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl)
                                             throws VitamException
        Update profile
        profileModel - the updated ProfileModel
        jsonDsl - the query as a json
        a response as a RequestResponse object
        VitamException - thrown if the update could not be executed