API-Vitam Version Alpha - Metadata interne API documentation version v1
- version: required(v1)
Cette version d'API présente des fonctionnalités sous différents statuts :
- Supportées : rien n'est spécifié, la fonctionnalité ou la donnée est supportée
- Non supportées : le mot clef UNSUPPORTED est indiqué et précise que cette fonctionnalité ou donnée n'est pas supportée par l'implémentaton courante
Cette version d'API présente des fonctionnalités sous différentes versions :
- Alpha : l'API est dans une première version, susceptible d'évoluer fortement
- Beta : l'API est proche de sa version stable
- Production : l'API est considérée comme "production ready"
- Deprecated : l'API est considérée comme obsolète et devrait disparaître dans une version majeure prochaine
Pour le moment, la partie /containers/{cid} des paths n'est pas encore pris en compte mais doit être ajoutée à terme.
Ce document est distribué sous les termes de la Licence Ouverte V2.0
API Metadata
API Metadata
API qui définit les requêtes pour accéder aux Unités d'archives. La requête utilise le langage de requête (DSL) de Vitam en entrée et retourne une liste d'Unités d'archives selon le DSL Vitam en cas de succès.
Request that will return results composed of Units
Request that will return results composed of Units. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Request that will update a set of Units according to the query and the filter parts. The actions to be applied on the set of Units are specified in the action part of the request.
get /units
Request that will return results composed of Units
Based on Platform Secret
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Units results
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
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"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
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"$context": {
"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"offset": 0,
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"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facet": {
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"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
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"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
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"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
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"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
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Complete Version of the API.
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
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Number of currently returned answears
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
post /units
Request that will return results composed of Units. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Based on Platform Secret
- X-Http-Method-Override: required(GET)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Units results
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
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"$context": {
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"$query": [
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"$hits": {
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
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"$hits": {
"total": 3,
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
put /units
Request that will update a set of Units according to the query and the filter parts. The actions to be applied on the set of Units are specified in the action part of the request.
Based on Platform Secret
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
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"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 or many Object result according to DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
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"limit": 100,
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
API qui définit les requêtes pour accéder aux Unités d'archives à partir d'une Unité donnée (racine). La requête utilise le langage de requête (DSL) de Vitam en entrée et retourne une liste d'Unités d'archives selon le DSL Vitam en cas de succès.
Request that will return results composed of Units
Request that will return results composed of Units. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Test the existence of this Unit
Request that will update a set of Units according to the query and the filter parts. The actions to be applied on the set of Units are specified in the action part of the request. In this case this update is to be applied for only one Unit (the one specified in the URI).
Request to destroy one Unit
get /units/{idu}
Request that will return results composed of Units
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Units results
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
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Contains the hits for the response
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
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Number of currently returned answears
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True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains all root ids
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Contains the queries (for all types)
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Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
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Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
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Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
post /units/{idu}
Request that will return results composed of Units. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Http-Method-Override: required(GET)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Units results
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
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"$hits": {
"total": 3,
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"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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Number of currently returned answears
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 409
Conflict, operation requested is in conflict with existing data
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
head /units/{idu}
Test the existence of this Unit
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- X-Valid: (boolean)
Allow to check if the item is valid (exists and digest is correct)
HTTP status code 204
No Content, Used to test existence
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 417
Expectation Failed, used in Validation when the required validation (X-Valid) is in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
put /units/{idu}
Request that will update a set of Units according to the query and the filter parts. The actions to be applied on the set of Units are specified in the action part of the request. In this case this update is to be applied for only one Unit (the one specified in the URI).
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 or many Object result according to DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
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"limit": 1000,
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"$context": {
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"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"$hits": {
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"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
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"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
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"limit": 1000,
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"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
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"limit": 1000,
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"$context": {
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"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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Unauthorized, authentication in error
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
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Vitam Platform Key
delete /units/{idu}
Request to destroy one Unit
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
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- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 204
No Content, Used to test existence
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
API qui définit les requêtes pour accéder à l'Objet d'archives associé à l'Unité d'archives s'il existe. La requête utilise le langage de requête (DSL) de Vitam en entrée et retourne l'objet d'archives selon le DSL Vitam en cas de succès.
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1)
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1). The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Test the existence of this Object
Request to add one ObjectGroup to this Unit
get /units/{idu}/objectgroup
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1)
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 Object matching the DSL query
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/zip
Type: any
Media type: application/x-tar
Type: any
Media type: application/octet-stream
Type: any
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
post /units/{idu}/objectgroup
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1). The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Http-Method-Override: required(GET)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 Object matching the DSL query
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/zip
Type: any
Media type: application/x-tar
Type: any
Media type: application/octet-stream
Type: any
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
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"offset": 0,
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"$context": {
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"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
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"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
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"$hits": {
"total": 3,
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"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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head /units/{idu}/objectgroup
Test the existence of this Object
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Valid: (boolean)
Allow to check if the item is valid (exists and digest is correct)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
HTTP status code 204
No Content, Used to test existence
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 417
Expectation Failed, used in Validation when the required validation (X-Valid) is in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
put /units/{idu}/objectgroup
Request to add one ObjectGroup to this Unit
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- idu: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 or many Object result according to DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
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"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
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Vitam Platform Key
API qui définit les requêtes pour accéder aux Objets d'archives. La requête utilise le langage de requête (DSL) de Vitam en entrée et retourne une liste d'Objets d'archives selon le DSL Vitam en cas de succès.
Request that will return results composed of Objects
Request that will return results composed of Objects. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
get /objects
Request that will return results composed of Objects
Based on Platform Secret
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Objects matching the DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$facet": {
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"limit": 1000,
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"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
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HTTP status code 206
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
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Number of currently returned answears
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True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains all root ids
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Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
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Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
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Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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Contains facet if requested
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
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"$results": [
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
post /objects
Request that will return results composed of Objects. The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Based on Platform Secret
- X-Http-Method-Override: required(GET)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Objects matching the DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
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HTTP status code 206
Returns the list of Objects matching the DSL query, using Cursor
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If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
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Number of currently returned answears
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True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
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"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
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"$query": [
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
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"$context": {
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"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
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"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
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"$context": {
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
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"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
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"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
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"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
API qui définit les requêtes pour accéder aux Objets d'archives à partir d'un Objet d'archives donné (racine). La requête utilise le langage de requête (DSL) de Vitam en entrée et retourne une liste d'Objets d'archives selon le DSL Vitam en cas de succès.
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1)
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1). The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Test the existence of this Object
Request to update one ObjectGroup
Request to delete one ObjectGroup
get /objects/{ido}
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1)
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- ido: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 Object matching the DSL query
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/zip
Type: any
Media type: application/x-tar
Type: any
Media type: application/octet-stream
Type: any
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
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"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
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"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
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HTTP status code 206
Returns the list of Objects matching the DSL query, using Cursor
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If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
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Type: object
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Contains the hits for the response
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
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Number of currently returned answears
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True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains all root ids
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Contains the queries (for all types)
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Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
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Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
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Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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Contains facet if requested
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HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
post /objects/{ido}
Request that will return results composed of Objects (generally 1). The request is using POST with X-Http-Method-Override: GET
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- ido: required(string)
- X-Http-Method-Override: required(GET)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
- X-Cursor: (boolean)
If present and true means the query could use a cursor as response if necessary
- X-Cursor-Id: (string)
If present, means the query could continue with the next set of response, according to current position of the Cursor Id
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
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"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
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"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
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"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 Object matching the DSL query
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
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Contains the hits for the response
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains all root ids
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Contains the queries (for all types)
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Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
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Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
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Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
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Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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Contains list of items
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Contains facet if requested
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
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Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
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Contains the hits for the response
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Total estimated possible answears
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Offset on possible answears
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Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
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Contains Request related to this to reply
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Contains all root ids
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Contains the queries (for all types)
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Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
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Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
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Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
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Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
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Contains list of items
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Contains facet if requested
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"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 409
Conflict, operation requested is in conflict with existing data
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
head /objects/{ido}
Test the existence of this Object
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- ido: required(string)
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Valid: (boolean)
Allow to check if the item is valid (exists and digest is correct)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
- Accept: required(one of application/json, application/zip, application/octet-stream)
Allow to specify if a result must contain only Metadata ('application/json'), or a complete DIP (one ZIP or TAR containing both Metadata and Binary object) ('application/zip' or 'application/x-tar') or only the Objects with a binary content ('application/octet-stream').
HTTP status code 204
No Content, Used to test existence
- X-Qualifier: (one of PhysicalMaster, BinaryMaster, Dissemination, Thumbnail, TextContent, All)
The requested qualifier only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the qualifier is missing, it means the Dissemination. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Version: (integer)
The rank of the version only when used with Accept: application/octet-stream or application/zip or application/x-tar. If the rank is missing, it means the last version. Extra qualifier "All" means all Qualifiers and all Versions in conjunction with application/zip or application/x-tar for GET (HEAD allows all). ONLY VALID with Accept application/octet-stream, application/zip or application/x-tar
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 417
Expectation Failed, used in Validation when the required validation (X-Valid) is in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
put /objects/{ido}
Request to update one ObjectGroup
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- ido: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of 1 or many Object result according to DSL query
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- $hits: required(object)
Contains the hits for the response
- total: required(integer)
Total estimated possible answears
- offset: required(integer)
Offset on possible answears
- limit: required(integer)
Limit specified in the request (or implicit) from Offset
- size: required(integer)
Number of currently returned answears
- time_out: (boolean)
True means the request was too long and so only partial result could be retrieved
- total: required(integer)
- $context: required(object)
Contains Request related to this to reply
- $roots: required(array of string)
Contains all root ids
- $query: required(array of object)
Contains the queries (for all types)
- $filter: (object)
Contains filter to apply (for GET only)
- $offset: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $limit: (integer - minimum: 1 - maximum: 100000)
- $orderby: (object)
- $hint: (one of , cache, nocache)
- $projection: (object)
Contains projection to apply (for GET only)
- $fields: (object)
- $usage: (string)
- $fields: (object)
- $facetQuery: (object)
Contains facet to apply (for GET only)
- $action: (array of object)
Contains actions to apply as update (for PUT only)
- $data: (object)
Contains the data to insert (for POST only)
{ "$roots": [ "bbb" ], "$query": [ { "$path": "aaaaa" } ] }
- $roots: required(array of string)
- $results: required(array of object)
Contains list of items
- $facet: (object)
Contains facet if requested
"$hits": {
"total": 10,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [
"$query": [
"$path": "aaaaa"
"$results": [
"#id": "id1"
"#id": "id2"
"#id": "id3"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
"#object.#type": { "Document": 2, "Image": 1 }
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id2", "title": "titre 2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id4", "#type": "DossierCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ],
"#object": { "#id": "id103", "#type": "Image",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 } }
"$facet": {
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"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 3, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
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"$context": {
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{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id102", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
"#parents": [ { "#id": "id2", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"#id": "id103", "#type": "Document",
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"#parents": [ { "#id": "id3", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines" } ]
"$hits": {
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"size": 1,
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"limit": 100,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$results": [
"#id": "id101", "#type": "Document",
"#qualifiers": { "BinaryMaster": 5, "Dissemination": 1, "Thumbnail": 1, "TextContent": 1 },
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"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$results": [
"#id": "id3", "title": "titre 3", "NewField": "New value",
"#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines"
"$hits": {
"total": 3,
"size": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"time_out": false
"$context": {
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$results": [
"#id": "id1", "title": "titre 1", "#type": "DemandeCongés", "#sector": "RessourcesHumaines",
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Unauthorized, authentication in error
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Not Found, requested resource does not exist
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
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Unique Request Identifier
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Complete Version of the API.
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Request to delete one ObjectGroup
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"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4, "$source": "units" },
{ "$eq": { "#type": "Document" }, "$source": "objects" }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "#qualifiers": 1, "#type": 1, "#parents": 1 } }
"$roots": [ "id0" ],
"$query": [
{ "$match": { "title": "titre" }, "$depth": 4 }
"$filter": { "$limit": 1000 },
"$projection": { "$fields": { "#id": 1, "title": 1, "#type": 1, "#sector": 1, "#parents": 1, "#object": 1 } },
"$facetQuery": { "$terms": "#object.#type" }
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
"$roots": [ "id3" ],
"$query": [
"$filter": { },
"$action": [{ "$set": { "NewField": "New value" } }]
HTTP status code 204
No Content, Used to test existence
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
API d'accès aux métadonnées en mode brut (pas de traduction Vitam).
Récupère un Unit.
Get a Unit
get /raw/units/{id_unit}
Get a Unit
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- id_unit: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Units results containing one result
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: any
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
"$context": {},
"$results": [
"_id": "aeaqaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjxzqaaaaq",
"_og": "aebaaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjwmqaaaaq",
"_mgt": {
"OriginatingAgency": "FRAN_NP_050770"
"DescriptionLevel": "Item",
"Title": "Archive unit ID0910",
"Titles": {
"fr": "Archive unit ID0910"
"Description": "Curabitur et velit ornare, consectetur mi sed, volutpat augue. Duis semper, mauris eget luctus facilisis, tortor purus euismod mi, id vulputate augue nulla sit amet sapien. Sed posuere porta tortor vel tempus. Donec in vestibulum tellus.",
"Descriptions": {
"fr": "Curabitur et velit ornare, consectetur mi sed, volutpat augue. Duis semper, mauris eget luctus facilisis, tortor purus euismod mi, id vulputate augue nulla sit amet sapien. Sed posuere porta tortor vel tempus. Donec in vestibulum tellus."
"TransactedDate": "2016-06-08T10:16:16",
"_storage": {
"_nbc": 1,
"offerIds": [
"strategyId": "default"
"_sps": [
"_sp": "FRAN_NP_050770",
"_ops": [
"_opi": "aeeaaaaaacfs6qdyaarhqalb2jxi56qaaaaq",
"_unitType": "INGEST",
"_max": 9,
"_min": 1,
"_up": [
"_nbc": 0,
"_us": [
"_uds": {
"aeaqaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjxvqaaaba": 2,
"aeaqaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjxxaaaaba": 1
"_v": 0,
"_tenant": 0
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
Récupère un Groupe d'Objet.
Get an Object
get /raw/objectgroups/{id_og}
Get an Object
Based on Platform Secret
URI Parameters
- id_og: required(string)
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 200
Returns the list of Objects results containing one result
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: any
"$hits": {
"total": 1,
"size": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
"$context": {},
"$results": [
"_id": "aebaaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjwmqaaaaq",
"_tenant": 0,
"_profil": "",
"FileInfo": {
"Filename": "KEpK4t9AS8oYpbWkr4rWo10vcfIBXM",
"LastModified": "2016-06-08T10:16:16.000+02:00"
"_qualifiers": [
"qualifier": "BinaryMaster",
"_nbc": 1,
"versions": [
"_id": "aeaaaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjwmiaaaaq",
"DataObjectGroupId": "aebaaaaaaafukrl4aa4i4alb2jxjwmqaaaaq",
"DataObjectVersion": "BinaryMaster_1",
"FormatIdentification": {
"FormatLitteral": "OpenDocument Text",
"MimeType": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text",
"FormatId": "fmt/291"
"FileInfo": {
"Filename": "KEpK4t9AS8oYpbWkr4rWo10vcfIBXM",
"LastModified": "2016-06-08T10:16:16.000+02:00"
"Size": 68438,
"Uri": "Content/KEpK4t9AS8oYpbWkr4rWo10vcfIBXM.odt",
"MessageDigest": "58e37fa092797145f2a0d063ebf8699b9725ab9955ebc2aa503539c3d7c39ab4f867ffb02595782195f2f94ac23017f9a78c1b10c2fc37287227a7673e2b8c28",
"Algorithm": "SHA-512",
"_storage": {
"_nbc": 1,
"offerIds": [
"strategyId": "default"
"_up": [
"_nbc": 1,
"_ops": [
"_opi": "aeeaaaaaacfs6qdyaarhqalb2jxi56qaaaaq",
"_sp": "FRAN_NP_050770",
"_sps": [
"_storage": {
"_nbc": 1,
"offerIds": [
"strategyId": "default"
"_v": 0
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 412
Precondition Failed, some predicates are incorrect, therefore the operation is not possible
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key
get /status
Based on Platform Secret
HTTP status code 200
OK, operation in success
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string)
Id of the instance
- service: required(string)
Service Name for this instance
- startDate: required(datetime)
Date time for the start of this instance
- status: required(one of Active, Inactive, ShutdownInProgress, Unreachable)
Status of this instance
"id": "abcdef",
"service": "serviceName",
"startDate": "2015-07-14T17:07:14Z",
"status": "Active"
"id": "abcdef",
"service": "serviceName",
"startDate": "2015-07-14T17:07:14Z",
"status": "Active"
"id": "abcdef",
"service": "serviceName",
"startDate": "2015-07-14T17:07:14Z",
"status": "Active"
HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, authentication in error
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 404
Not Found, requested resource does not exist
- X-Request-Id: required(string)
Unique Request Identifier
- FullApiVersion: required(string)
Complete Version of the API.
- X-Application-Id: (string)
Session Identifier from client Front-Office Application
- X-Tenant-Id: (number)
Unique Tenant Identifier
HTTP status code 503
Service Unavailable, the requested service is unavailable
Secured by VitamPlatform
- X-Vitam-Key: required(string)
Vitam Platform Key