Configuration / fichiers utiles¶
Se reporter au DIN, qui configure le cluster ElasticSearch de données.
Les fichiers de configuration sont définis sous /vitam/conf/elasticsearch-data
. Fichier log4j2.properties
status = error
# log action execution errors for easier debugging
logger.action.name = org.elasticsearch.action
logger.action.level = {{ composant.action_log_level }}
appender.console.type = Console
appender.console.name = console
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c{1.}] [%node_name]%marker %m%n
appender.syslog.type = Syslog
appender.syslog.name = syslog
appender.syslog.appName = {{ composant.cluster_name }}
appender.syslog.facility = {{ vitam_defaults.syslog_facility }}
appender.syslog.host = {{ inventory_hostname }}
appender.syslog.protocol = UDP
appender.syslog.port = 514
appender.syslog.layout.type = PatternLayout
# Note: rsyslog only parse RFC3195-formatted syslog messages by default ; AND, to make it work with log4j2, we need to start the layout by the app-name.
# IF we were in 5424, we wouldn't have to do this.
appender.syslog.layout.pattern = {{ composant.cluster_name }}: [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c{1.}] [%node_name]%marker%m%n
# appender.syslog.format = RFC5424
# appender.syslog.mdcId = esdata
appender.rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.rolling.name = rolling
appender.rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}.log
appender.rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c{1.}] [%node_name]%marker %.-10000m%n
appender.rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log.gz
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
appender.rolling.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.policies.size.size = {{ composant.log_appenders.rolling.max_log_file_size }}
appender.rolling.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.rolling.strategy.fileIndex = nomax
appender.rolling.strategy.action.type = Delete
appender.rolling.strategy.action.basepath = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}
appender.rolling.strategy.action.condition.type = IfFileName
appender.rolling.strategy.action.condition.glob = ${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}-*
appender.rolling.strategy.action.condition.nested_condition.type = IfAccumulatedFileSize
appender.rolling.strategy.action.condition.nested_condition.exceeds = {{ composant.log_appenders.rolling.max_total_log_size }}
rootLogger.level = {{ composant.log_appenders.root.log_level }}
rootLogger.appenderRef.console.ref = console
rootLogger.appenderRef.rolling.ref = rolling
rootLogger.appenderRef.syslog.ref = syslog
appender.deprecation_rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.deprecation_rolling.name = deprecation_rolling
appender.deprecation_rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_deprecation.log
appender.deprecation_rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.deprecation_rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c{1.}] [%node_name]%marker %.-10000m%n
appender.deprecation_rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_deprecation-%i.log.gz
appender.deprecation_rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.deprecation_rolling.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.deprecation_rolling.policies.size.size = {{ composant.log_appenders.deprecation_rolling.max_log_file_size }}
appender.deprecation_rolling.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.deprecation_rolling.strategy.max = {{ composant.log_appenders.deprecation_rolling.max_files }}
logger.deprecation.name = org.elasticsearch.deprecation
logger.deprecation.level = {{ composant.log_appenders.deprecation_rolling.log_level }}
logger.deprecation.appenderRef.deprecation_rolling.ref = deprecation_rolling
logger.deprecation.additivity = false
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.name = index_search_slowlog_rolling
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_index_search_slowlog.log
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c] [%node_name]%marker %.-10000m%n
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_index_search_slowlog-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.index_search_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
logger.index_search_slowlog_rolling.name = index.search.slowlog
logger.index_search_slowlog_rolling.level = {{ composant.log_appenders.index_search_slowlog_rolling.log_level }}
logger.index_search_slowlog_rolling.appenderRef.index_search_slowlog_rolling.ref = index_search_slowlog_rolling
logger.index_search_slowlog_rolling.additivity = false
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.name = index_indexing_slowlog_rolling
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_index_indexing_slowlog.log
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c] [%node_name]%marker %.-10000m%n
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_index_indexing_slowlog-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
logger.index_indexing_slowlog.name = index.indexing.slowlog.index
logger.index_indexing_slowlog.level = {{ composant.log_appenders.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.log_level }}
logger.index_indexing_slowlog.appenderRef.index_indexing_slowlog_rolling.ref = index_indexing_slowlog_rolling
logger.index_indexing_slowlog.additivity = false
appender.audit_rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.audit_rolling.name = audit_rolling
appender.audit_rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_audit.log
appender.audit_rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.audit_rolling.layout.pattern = {\
%varsNotEmpty{, "node.name":"%enc{\%map{node.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "node.id":"%enc{\%map{node.id}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "host.name":"%enc{\%map{host.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "host.ip":"%enc{\%map{host.ip}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "event.type":"%enc{\%map{event.type}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "event.action":"%enc{\%map{event.action}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.name":"%enc{\%map{user.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.run_by.name":"%enc{\%map{user.run_by.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.run_as.name":"%enc{\%map{user.run_as.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.realm":"%enc{\%map{user.realm}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.run_by.realm":"%enc{\%map{user.run_by.realm}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.run_as.realm":"%enc{\%map{user.run_as.realm}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "user.roles":%map{user.roles}}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "origin.type":"%enc{\%map{origin.type}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "origin.address":"%enc{\%map{origin.address}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "realm":"%enc{\%map{realm}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "url.path":"%enc{\%map{url.path}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "url.query":"%enc{\%map{url.query}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "request.method":"%enc{\%map{request.method}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "request.body":"%enc{\%map{request.body}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "request.id":"%enc{\%map{request.id}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "action":"%enc{\%map{action}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "request.name":"%enc{\%map{request.name}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "indices":%map{indices}}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "opaque_id":"%enc{\%map{opaque_id}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "x_forwarded_for":"%enc{\%map{x_forwarded_for}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "transport.profile":"%enc{\%map{transport.profile}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "rule":"%enc{\%map{rule}}{JSON}"}\
%varsNotEmpty{, "event.category":"%enc{\%map{event.category}}{JSON}"}\
# "node.name" node name from the `elasticsearch.yml` settings
# "node.id" node id which should not change between cluster restarts
# "host.name" unresolved hostname of the local node
# "host.ip" the local bound ip (i.e. the ip listening for connections)
# "event.type" a received REST request is translated into one or more transport requests. This indicates which processing layer generated the event "rest" or "transport" (internal)
# "event.action" the name of the audited event, eg. "authentication_failed", "access_granted", "run_as_granted", etc.
# "user.name" the subject name as authenticated by a realm
# "user.run_by.name" the original authenticated subject name that is impersonating another one.
# "user.run_as.name" if this "event.action" is of a run_as type, this is the subject name to be impersonated as.
# "user.realm" the name of the realm that authenticated "user.name"
# "user.run_by.realm" the realm name of the impersonating subject ("user.run_by.name")
# "user.run_as.realm" if this "event.action" is of a run_as type, this is the realm name the impersonated user is looked up from
# "user.roles" the roles array of the user; these are the roles that are granting privileges
# "origin.type" it is "rest" if the event is originating (is in relation to) a REST request; possible other values are "transport" and "ip_filter"
# "origin.address" the remote address and port of the first network hop, i.e. a REST proxy or another cluster node
# "realm" name of a realm that has generated an "authentication_failed" or an "authentication_successful"; the subject is not yet authenticated
# "url.path" the URI component between the port and the query string; it is percent (URL) encoded
# "url.query" the URI component after the path and before the fragment; it is percent (URL) encoded
# "request.method" the method of the HTTP request, i.e. one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, PATCH, TRACE, CONNECT
# "request.body" the content of the request body entity, JSON escaped
# "request.id" a synthentic identifier for the incoming request, this is unique per incoming request, and consistent across all audit events generated by that request
# "action" an action is the most granular operation that is authorized and this identifies it in a namespaced way (internal)
# "request.name" if the event is in connection to a transport message this is the name of the request class, similar to how rest requests are identified by the url path (internal)
# "indices" the array of indices that the "action" is acting upon
# "opaque_id" opaque value conveyed by the "X-Opaque-Id" request header
# "x_forwarded_for" the addresses from the "X-Forwarded-For" request header, as a verbatim string value (not an array)
# "transport.profile" name of the transport profile in case this is a "connection_granted" or "connection_denied" event
# "rule" name of the applied rulee if the "origin.type" is "ip_filter"
# "event.category" fixed value "elasticsearch-audit"
appender.audit_rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_audit-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.audit_rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.audit_rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.audit_rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.audit_rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.name = deprecated_audit_rolling
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_access.log
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}] %m%n
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}_access-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.deprecated_audit_rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.name = org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.audit.logfile.LoggingAuditTrail
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.level = info
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.appenderRef.audit_rolling.ref = audit_rolling
logger.xpack_security_audit_logfile.additivity = false
logger.xpack_security_audit_deprecated_logfile.name = org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.audit.logfile.DeprecatedLoggingAuditTrail
# set this to "off" instead of "info" to disable the deprecated appender
# in the 6.x releases both the new and the previous appenders are enabled
# for the logfile auditing
logger.xpack_security_audit_deprecated_logfile.level = info
logger.xpack_security_audit_deprecated_logfile.appenderRef.deprecated_audit_rolling.ref = deprecated_audit_rolling
logger.xpack_security_audit_deprecated_logfile.additivity = false
logger.xmlsig.name = org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature
logger.xmlsig.level = error
logger.samlxml_decrypt.name = org.opensaml.xmlsec.encryption.support.Decrypter
logger.samlxml_decrypt.level = fatal
logger.saml2_decrypt.name = org.opensaml.saml.saml2.encryption.Decrypter
logger.saml2_decrypt.level = fatal Fichier jvm.options
## JVM configuration
## IMPORTANT: JVM heap size
## You should always set the min and max JVM heap
## size to the same value. For example, to set
## the heap to 4 GB, set:
## -Xms4g
## -Xmx4g
## See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/heap-size.html
## for more information
# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space
-Xms{{ elasticsearch_memory }}
-Xmx{{ elasticsearch_memory }}
## Expert settings
## All settings below this section are considered
## expert settings. Don't tamper with them unless
## you understand what you are doing
## GC configuration
## G1GC Configuration
# NOTE: G1 GC is only supported on JDK version 10 or later
# to use G1GC, uncomment the next two lines and update the version on the
# following three lines to your version of the JDK
# 10-13:-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC
# 10-13:-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
## DNS cache policy
# cache ttl in seconds for positive DNS lookups noting that this overrides the
# JDK security property networkaddress.cache.ttl; set to -1 to cache forever
# cache ttl in seconds for negative DNS lookups noting that this overrides the
# JDK security property networkaddress.cache.negative ttl; set to -1 to cache
# forever
## optimizations
# pre-touch memory pages used by the JVM during initialization
## basic
# force the server VM (remove on 32-bit client JVMs)
# explicitly set the stack size
# set to headless, just in case
# ensure UTF-8 encoding by default (e.g. filenames)
# use our provided JNA always versus the system one
# turn off a JDK optimization that throws away stack traces for common
# exceptions because stack traces are important for debugging
# flags to configure Netty
# log4j 2
# Prevent from exploit in old log4j2 versions <2.17.1
## heap dumps
# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails
# heap dumps are created in the working directory of the JVM
# specify an alternative path for heap dumps; ensure the directory exists and
# has sufficient space
-XX:HeapDumpPath={{ elasticsearch_log_dir }}
# specify an alternative path for JVM fatal error logs
-XX:ErrorFile={{ elasticsearch_log_dir }}/hs_err_pid%p.log
## JDK 8 GC logging
# JDK 9+ GC logging
9-:-Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file={{ elasticsearch_log_dir }}/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m
-Djna.tmpdir={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/tmp/{{ composant.cluster_name }} Fichier elasticsearch.yml
# ======================== Elasticsearch Configuration =========================
# NOTE: Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings.
# Before you set out to tweak and tune the configuration, make sure you
# understand what are you trying to accomplish and the consequences.
# The primary way of configuring a node is via this file. This template lists
# the most important settings you may want to configure for a production cluster.
# Please consult the documentation for further information on configuration options:
# https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/index.html
# ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for your cluster:
cluster.name: {{ composant.cluster_name }}
# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node:
node.name: {{ inventory_hostname }}
# TODO: Better handling of this as we have to modify wich nodes are requested by VITAM
node.master: {{ is_master|default('true') }}
node.data: {{ is_data|default('true') }}
node.ingest: false
node.ml: false
xpack.ml.enabled: false
# Add custom attributes to the node:
# node.rack: r1
# ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------
# Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):
path.data: {{ elasticsearch_data_dir }}
# Path to log files:
path.logs: {{ elasticsearch_log_dir }}
# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
# Lock the memory on startup:
# = Disable swapping
bootstrap.memory_lock: true
# Make sure that the `ES_HEAP_SIZE` environment variable is set to about half the memory
# available on the system and that the owner of the process is allowed to use this limit.
# Elasticsearch performs poorly when the system is swapping the memory.
# ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
# Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):
# Note : if installing to localhost, notably a docker container, we need to bind larger than localhost
{% if inventory_hostname in single_vm_hostnames %}
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
{% else %}
network.host: {{ ip_service }}
{% endif %}
# Set a custom port for HTTP:
http.port: {{ composant.port_http }}
# For more information, consult the network module documentation.
# --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when this node is started:
# The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
discovery.seed_hosts: [ {% for host in groups['hosts_elasticsearch_data'] %}"{{ hostvars[host]['ip_service'] }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ]
# Bootstrap the cluster using an initial set of master-eligible nodes:
cluster.initial_master_nodes: [ {% for host in groups['hosts_elasticsearch_data'] %}"{{ host }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ]
cluster.no_master_block: all
# For more information, consult the discovery and cluster formation module documentation.
# ---------------------------------- Gateway -----------------------------------
# Block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes are started:
gateway.expected_nodes: {{ (groups['hosts_elasticsearch_data'] | length) }}
gateway.recover_after_nodes: {{ ((groups['hosts_elasticsearch_data']|length / 2)+1)| round (0, 'floor')| int }}
# For more information, see the documentation at:
# <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-gateway.html>
# ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
# Disable starting multiple nodes on a single system:
# node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
# Require explicit names when deleting indices:
action.destructive_requires_name: true
# For Vitam multiquery
indices.query.bool.max_clause_count: 10000
{% if composant.index_buffer_size_ratio is defined %}
# some perforamnce tuning ; see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.4/tune-for-indexing-speed.html
# 0.1 may be enough, cots_vars declares {{ composant.index_buffer_size_ratio }} as ratio on total memory {{ elasticsearch_memory }}
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: {{ ((elasticsearch_memory_value|int)*(composant.index_buffer_size_ratio|float))|round (0, 'floor')| int }}{{ elasticsearch_memory_unit }}
{% endif %}
indices.mapping.dynamic_timeout: {{ composant.dynamic_timeout |default('30s') }}
# thread_pool configuration
size: {{ (ansible_processor_cores * ansible_processor_threads_per_core) | round (0, 'floor') | int }}
queue_size: 5000
size: {{ elasticsearch.data.thread_pool.get.size |default((ansible_processor_cores * ansible_processor_threads_per_core)| round (0, 'floor') | int) }}
queue_size: 5000
size: {{ elasticsearch.data.thread_pool.search.size |default(((ansible_processor_cores * ansible_processor_threads_per_core * 3 / 2) + 1) | round (0, 'floor') | int) }}
min_queue_size: 1000
queue_size: 5000
size: {{ elasticsearch.data.thread_pool.write.size |default((ansible_processor_cores * ansible_processor_threads_per_core + 1)| round (0, 'floor') | int) }}
queue_size: 5000
core: 1
max: {{ elasticsearch.data.thread_pool.warmer.max |default(((ansible_processor_cores * ansible_processor_threads_per_core / 2) + 0.5) | round (0, 'floor') | int) }}
keep_alive: 2m
# Note : the 0.5 in the previous expression is for there is only 1 CPU (else the thread pool size would be zero) ! ; Note bis : max 10 threads #
# Note : in ES5 and further : the thread pool "refresh" is of type scaling with a keep-alive of 5m and a max of min(10, (# of available processors)/2)
# related to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/modules-fielddata.html
indices.fielddata.cache.size: {{ composant.indices_fielddata_cache_size }}
# related to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/circuit-breaker.html#fielddata-circuit-breaker
indices.breaker.fielddata.limit: {{ composant.indices_breaker_fielddata_limit }}
{% if groups['hosts_elasticsearch_data']|length > 1 %}
# related to affinity and balancing between racks / rooms https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/allocation-awareness.html
cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.attributes: rack_id
node.attr.rack_id: {{ is_balancing|default(vitam_site_name) }}
{% endif %}
indices.breaker.total.use_real_memory: false
# Related to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ilm-settings.html
xpack.ilm.enabled: false
indices.lifecycle.history_index_enabled: false
# More tuning
xpack.security.enabled: false
xpack.watcher.enabled: false Fichier sysconfig/elasticsearch
# Elasticsearch
# Elasticsearch home directory
# Elasticsearch configuration directory
ES_PATH_CONF={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/conf/{{ composant.cluster_name }}
# Elasticsearch data directory
#DATA_DIR={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/data/{{ composant.cluster_name }}
# Elasticsearch logs directory
#LOG_DIR={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/log/{{ composant.cluster_name }}
# Elasticsearch PID directory
#PID_DIR=/var/run/{{ composant.cluster_name }}
# Heap size defaults to 256m min, 1g max
# Set ES_HEAP_SIZE to 50% of available RAM, but no more than 31g
# Elasticsearch service
# SysV init.d
# The number of seconds to wait before checking if Elasticsearch started successfully as a daemon process
# Heap new generation
# Maximum direct memory
# Additional Java OPTS
# Configure restart on package upgrade (true, every other setting will lead to not restarting)
# Path to the GC log file
#ES_GC_LOG_FILE={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/log/{{ composant.cluster_name }}/gc.log
ES_TMPDIR={{ vitam_defaults.folder.root_path }}/tmp/{{ composant.cluster_name }}
# Elasticsearch service
# SysV init.d
# When executing the init script, this user will be used to run the elasticsearch service.
# The default value is 'elasticsearch' and is declared in the init.d file.
# Note that this setting is only used by the init script. If changed, make sure that
# the configured user can read and write into the data, work, plugins and log directories.
# For systemd service, the user is usually configured in file /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service
# Note: useless for VITAM, as the startup is managed by systemd
ES_USER={{ vitam_defaults.users.vitamdb }}
ES_GROUP={{ vitam_defaults.users.group }}
# The number of seconds to wait before checking if Elasticsearch started successfully as a daemon process
# System properties
# Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process
# When using Systemd, this setting is ignored and the LimitNOFILE defined in
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service takes precedence
# The maximum number of bytes of memory that may be locked into RAM
# Set to "unlimited" if you use the 'bootstrap.memory_lock: true' option
# in elasticsearch.yml (ES_HEAP_SIZE must also be set).
# When using Systemd, the LimitMEMLOCK property must be set
# in /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service
# Maximum number of VMA (Virtual Memory Areas) a process can own
# When using Systemd, this setting is ignored and the 'vm.max_map_count'
# property is set at boot time in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/elasticsearch.conf
#MAX_MAP_COUNT=262144 Fichier /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/elasticsearch-data.conf
d /var/run/{{ composant.cluster_name }} 0755 {{ vitam_defaults.users.vitamdb }} {{ vitam_defaults.users.group }} - -