AgentTypeModel |
Model for AgentType defined in seda.xsd
ArchiveUnitHistoryDataModel |
ArchiveUnitHistoryModel |
ArchiveUnitInternalModel |
ArchiveUnit internal model (_id, _mgt...)
ArchiveUnitModel |
ArchiveUnit external model (#id, #management...)
ArchiveUnitRoot |
ComputedInheritedRuleModel |
CustodialHistoryModel |
Model CustodialHistory
DataObjectReference |
Data Object Reference POJO
DescriptiveMetadataModel |
DescriptiveMetadataModel POJO
EventTypeModel |
GotObj |
This object content the new technical object group guid and the an boolean.
InheritanceModel |
Inheritance Model POJO
LinkingAgentIdentifierTypeModel |
LocationGroupModel |
Model for LocationGroup defined in sead.xsd
ManagementModel |
Management model
ObjectFactory |
create instance for JAXB model (necessary to jaxb)
PersonOrEntityAndBusinessType |
Model for PersonOrEntityAndBusiness defined in seda.xsd
ReferencedObjectTypeModel |
RuleCategoryModel |
RuleModel |
SignatureTypeModel |
SignedObjectDigestModel |
TextByLang |
TextByLang class
ValidatorOrSignerModel |
Class representing a Signer or a Validator
WriterModel |
Custom Class for DescriptiveMetadataContentType.Writer (Seda 2.1)
Problem (with merge of two choice elements) : getting JAXB "catch-all" property (one content property generated of type List of JAXBElement)
because of the following reason :
The field name "Identifier" is used by two different parts of a schema in choice element.