Vitam API Reference (8.0.0)
This Javadoc contains the Java API for Vitam software. Most of them are intend for internal use only.
However two packages are of interest for external developpers using Vitam as a Backoffice: Access External Client and Ingest External Client.
Ihm Demo : Ihm Demo module, the default VITAM IHM application
Ihm Recette : Ihm Recette module, the non production Vitam IHM reserved to test only
Ingest External Client : Default external client for Ingest
Ingest : Ingest module
Access External Client : Default external client for Access for all actions, except Ingest
Access : Acces module
Common : Common module
Functional administration : Functional administration module
Logbook : Logbook module
Metadata : Metadata module
Processing : Processing module
Storage Driver / Offer : Storage Driver / Offer modules
Storage Engine : Storage Engine module
Worker : Worker module
Workspace : Workspace module
Other Packages : Other Packages
Provides :
Provides exception classes used for the Access External module.
Provides the web server application for the Access External module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides module and resource interfaces and a binary data POJO for the Access Internal module.
Provides access internal client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides exception classes used for the Access Internal module.
Provides common configuration classes for the Access Internal module.
Provides core implementation for the Access Internal module.
Provides the web server application for the Access Internal module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides the Blob store contexts builder
Package used to host cas container swift implementation
Provides Collect client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides the web server application for the Collect External module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides Collect client interface, factory and implementations.
General utility classes as FileUtil, SystemPropertyUtil and UUID support
Shiro x509 VitamAuthentication Modules
Shiro Realm X509
Shiro Filter for x509 client certificate authentication
Basic Vitam Client Common interfaces
Basic Vitam Client Common Configuration interface
Provides common database API
Provides common database API implementations
Provides facet classes
Provides query classes
Provides classes for DSL operations
Provides an abstract request class
Provides configuration classes containing GlobalDatas and ParserTokens
Provides exception classes that could be thrown during Requests construction
Provides database builders for multiple query requests
Provides database builders for single query requests
Provides common database collection
Facet Model Package containing POJO for facet results
Index Model Package containing POJO for indexing results
Provides common database for offset collection
Database parameter package
Provides facets to be used within the Vitam DSL
Provides queries to be used within the Vitam DSL
Provides actions to be used within the Vitam DSL
Provides a query helper
Provides a global and an abstract parser in order to parse requests
Provides database parser adapters for request
Provides database parsers for multiple query requests
Provides database parsers for single query requests
Database server package in vitam
Elasticsearch server package in Vitam
MongoDB server package in Vitam
Provides translators from Vitam DSL to native DSL
Provides translators for Elasticsearch
Provides translators for MongoDB
Digest support package for Vitam
- services codes and their name
- domains codes and their name
- public Vitam codes
- services codes and their name
- domains codes and their name
- public Vitam codes
Common Exception package
Contains generic VitamClient and associated basic implementation used as base for every specific client module.
Contains Client configuration classes
Provides common interface, factory and implementations for the Format Identification module
Provides Exception classes that could be thrown in the Format Identification module
Provides common configuration and response classes for the Format Identification module
Provides the Siegfried implementation for the Format Identification module
Graph package contains classes of cycle detection and indexing order (longestPath)
Global Unique Identifier support for Vitam
Vitam Internationalization package
Json support
Specific Package for Junit Support
Logging Module largely inspired from Netty
This package contains the metric classes used in VITAM
This package contains simple POJOs and DTOs that may be shared commonly by all vitam internal components
Provides common public Model classes for the administration module.
Provides common public Model classes for the Logbook module.
Provides common public Model classes for the Processing module.
Contains all classes related to parameter objects
Security package for Vitam
Encode/decode URL using platform secret
Security Filters
Web application firewall package which uses owasp esapi
Filter for header, body (json and inputstream) and parameter
Provides a Common Vitam Server Interface
Provides a Vitam Common Application Interface
Provides Vitam Common Application Configuration Interfaces
Helper for Junit tests using Vitam Applications
Standard Vitam Application Standard Resources
Helpers for Junit tests using Shiro
Provides an abstract core, implementation and configuration for the common
Storage module.
Provides API classes for the Workspace module
Provides a factory dealing with archives in different formats for the
Workspace module.
Provides classes contains constants values for the common storage Module
Provides a FileSystem implementation for storage modules.
Provides a FileSystem implementation for storage modules have to manage up to 500 millions of files
Provides S3 implementations for the storage modules.
Provides a Swift implementation for the storage modules.
Provides Utils classes for the common
This package concerns Common Stream handling as Helpers for common actions or MultipleInputStream multiplexer.
Tenant Filters
Vitam Thread package facility
Vitam time stamp generation package
Security Filters
Provides a fake Driver implementation for tests purpose
Provides Functional administration client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides common classes for the Functional Administration module.
Provides Exception classes for the Functional Administration module.
Provides common server classes for the Functional Administration module
Provides the web server application and configuration for the Functional administration module and the rest resource it uses
Provides the web server application and configuration for the IHM Demo module and the rest resource it uses
Provides IHM Demo API Common classes
Provides IHM Demo Pagination Common classes
Provides IHM core classes
Provides the web server application and configuration for the IHM Recette module and the rest resource it uses
Provides the web server application and configuration for the IHM Recette module and the rest resource it uses
Provides the API interface and an exception class for the Ingest External module
Package Ingest External Exception
Provides Ingest External Client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Ingest external common configuration classes
Provides Ingest external common model response classes
Provides Ingest external common utility classes
Provides core implementation for the Ingest External module.
Provides the web server application for the Ingest External module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides Internal Ingest Response model classes
Provides Ingest Internal Client interface, configuration, factory and implementations.
Provides Ingest Internal common exception classes
Provides the web server application and configuration for the Ingest Internal module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides the core classes for the Logbook Administration module
Provides the core classes for the Logbook Administration module
Provides client common classes for the Logbook module
Provides Client common Exception classes for the Logbook module
logbook model package
Provides model classes for Logbook module reconstruction
Provides common parameters, helpers and factory classes used for the Logbook module
Provides Common Server classes for the Logbook module
Provides Logbook collection classes
Provides specific Request classes for the Logbook module
Provides Server Exception classes for the Logbook module
Provides reconstruction service classes for Logbook server module
Provides API classes for the Logbook Lifecycles module
Provides Logbook Lifecycles client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides core implementation for the Logbook Lifecycles module.
Provides API classes for the Logbook Operations module
Provides Logbook Operations client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides core implementation for the Logbook Operations module.
Provides the web server application for the Logbook module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides API classes for the Metadata module
Provides exception classes used for the Metadata module.
Provides Metadata client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides API configuration classes for the Metadata module
Provides Database configuration class for Metadata module
Provides model classes for Metadata module
Provides reconstruction classes for Metadata module
Provides utility classes for the Metadata module
Provides the web server application for the Metadata module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides common classes for the Processing module.
Provides common Configuration classes for the Processing module.
Provides common Exception classes for the Processing module.
Provides common Model classes for the Processing module.
Provides common Parameters classes and utility classes for the Processing module.
Provides common utility classes for the Processing module.
Provides core interface and implementation for the Processing Data module.
Provides API classes for the Processing Engine module
Provides API classes for the Processing Distributor module
Provides rest resource implementation for the Processing Distributor module.
Processing Engine Package
Provides API classes for the Process Distributor module
Provides core implementation for the Processing Engine module.
Provides core interface and implementation for the Processing Monitoring module.
Processing Engine Rest Package
Provides API classes for the Processing Management module
Provides Processing Management client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides core implementation for the Processing Management module.
Provides the web server application and configuration for the Processing Management module and the rest resource it uses
Provides core classes of functional administration rules module
Provides core classes of functional administration rules module
Provides core classes of functional administration rules module
Provides core classes of functional administration rules module
Provides core classes of functional administration rules module
Provides interface describing how drivers should be implemented for the
Storage driver module
Provides constants, enums and other kind of constants that may be used
globally by the drivers for the Storage driver module
Provides Exception classes for the Storage driver module
Provides Model classes such as Requests and Results classes for the Storage
driver module
Provides Storage Engine client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Storage Engine client Exception classes.
Provides common constants classes for the Storage Engine module
Provides common Exception classes for the Storage Engine module.
Contains Storage common header processing
Provides common Model classes for the Storage Engine module.
Provides common Request classes for the Storage Engine module.
Provides common Response classes for the Storage Engine module.
Provides common Referential interfaces and factories for the Storage Engine
module :
Provides common Referential Model classes for the Storage Engine module.
Provides a Distribution interface for the Storage Engine Server module
Provides a Distribution implementation for the Storage Engine Server module
Provides the web server application and configuration for the Storage Engine
Server module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides the SPI implementation and configuration for the Storage Engine Server module
Provides the SPI mapper implementation and configuration for the Storage Engine Server module,
allowing the persistence of association between drivers and offers
Provides logbook parameters classes used for the Storage Engine Server module
Provides core implementation (Workspace based) for the Storage Offer Default
Provides core implementation for default offer mongo acces.
Provides the web server application and configuration for the for the Storage
Offer Default module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides implementation of the driver for the Workspace Driver module.
Provides Worker client interface, configuration, factory and implementations.
Provides exception classes used for the Worker Client module
Provides common classes for the Worker module.
Provides common utility classes for the Worker module.
Provides core classes for the Worker Core module.
Provides API definition for the Worker Core module.
Provides Handler classes for the Worker Core module
Plugin package in worker module
Provides classes for the Audit Workflow.
Worker Server Package
Provides classes used for registration of current worker to the processing.
Provides the web server application for the Worker Server module and the rest resources it uses.
Provides Exception classes for the Workspace module
Provides Model classes for the Workspace module
Provides Workspace client factory and implementations.
Provides common classes for the Workspace module.
Provides a factory dealing with archives in different formats for the Workspace module.
Provides the web server application for the Workspace module and the rest resources it uses.