Uses of Interface
Provides access internal client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Collect client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Collect client interface, factory and implementations.
Basic Vitam Client Common interfaces
Contains generic VitamClient and associated basic implementation used as base for every specific client module.
Provides the Siegfried implementation for the Format Identification module
Standard Vitam Application Standard Resources
Provides a fake Driver implementation for tests purpose
Provides Functional administration client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Ingest External Client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Ingest Internal Client interface, configuration, factory and implementations.
Provides Logbook Lifecycles client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Logbook Operations client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Metadata client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Processing Management client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides interface describing how drivers should be implemented for the
Storage driver module
Provides Storage Engine client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides implementation of the driver for the Workspace Driver module.
Provides Worker client interface, configuration, factory and implementations.
Provides Workspace client factory and implementations.
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.access.external.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Access External Client Factory
Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returnedclass
Admin External Client Factory
Used to create admin external client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.access.external.client.v2
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Access External Client Factory
Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.access.internal.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Access client factory
Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
IngestInternal client factory
Used to create IngestInternal client : if configuration file does not exist 'ingest-internal-client.conf',
mock IngestInternal client will be returned -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.collect.external.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Collect Client Factory class. -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.collect.internal.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Collect Client Factory class. -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.common.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
TestVitamClientFactory<T extends BasicClient>
Default VitamClientFactory for Test purpose onlyclass
VitamClientFactory<T extends MockOrRestClient>
General VitamClientFactory for non SSL clientModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVitamClientFactoryInterface.setVitamClientType
(VitamClientFactoryInterface.VitamClientType vitamClientType) ModifierConstructorDescriptionDefaultClient
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Constructor using given scheme (http)VitamRestTestClient
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Constructor using given scheme (http) and allowing multipart but no chunk -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.common.external.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
TestVitamClientFactory<T extends BasicClient>
Default VitamClientFactory for Test purpose onlyclass
VitamClientFactory<T extends MockOrRestClient>
General VitamClientFactory for non SSL clientModifierConstructorDescriptionDefaultClient
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Constructor using given scheme (http)VitamRestTestClient
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Constructor using given scheme (http) and allowing multipart but no chunk -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.common.format.identification.siegfried
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.common.server.application.resources
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVitamServiceRegistry.register
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Register one Client factoryVitamServiceRegistry.registerOptional
(VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) Register one Optional Client factory -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.common.serverv2
(Class<? extends> application, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter, boolean hasSession) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter, boolean hasSession, boolean hasShiroFilter, boolean hasXsrFilter) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, Class<? extends> adminApplication, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, Class<? extends> adminApplication, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, Class<? extends> adminApplication, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, Class<? extends> adminApplication, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter, boolean hasSession) VitamServerTestRunner
(Class<? extends> application, Class<? extends> adminApplication, SslConfig configuration, VitamClientFactoryInterface<?> factory, boolean hasTenantFilter, boolean hasAuthorizationFilter, boolean hasSession, boolean hasShiroFilter, boolean hasXsrFilter) -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.driver.fake
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFakeDriverImpl.addInternalOfferAsFactory
(StorageOffer offer, Properties parameters) -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Admin management client factory use to get client by type "rest" or "mock" -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.external.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Ingest external client factory use to get client by type "rest" or "mock" -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.internal.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
IngestInternal client factory
Used to create IngestInternal client : if configuration file does not exist 'ingest-internal-client.conf',
mock IngestInternal client will be returned -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.lifecycles.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Logbook lifecycles client factory
Use to get a logbook lifecycles client in function of its type. -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.operations.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Logbook client factory
Used to get a client logbook depending on its type. -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.client
ModifierConstructorDescription -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ProcessingManagement factory for creating ProcessingManagement client -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.scheduler.server.client
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
ModifierConstructorDescriptionConstructor using given scheme (http) -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final Map<String,
VitamClientFactoryInterface<? extends AbstractConnection>> AbstractDriver.connectionFactories
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected abstract VitamClientFactoryInterface<? extends AbstractConnection>
(StorageOffer offer, Properties parameters) This method must be implemented in the final Driver Implementation to add the ClientFactory to the driverModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractConnection
(String driverName, VitamClientFactoryInterface<? extends AbstractConnection> factory) Constructor using given scheme (http) -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected VitamClientFactoryInterface<? extends AbstractConnection>
(StorageOffer offer, Properties parameters) -
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.client
Uses of VitamClientFactoryInterface in fr.gouv.vitam.workspace.client
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
WorkspaceClient factory for creating workspace client