Package fr.gouv.vitam.common.mapping.dip
package fr.gouv.vitam.common.mapping.dip
ClassDescriptionMap the object ArchiveUnitModel generated from Unit data base model To a jaxb object ArchiveUnitType This help convert ArchiveUnitModel to xml using jaxbMap the object MetadataModel generated from ObjectGroup data base model To a jaxb object CoreMetadataType This help convert MetadataModel to xml using jaxbCustodial History MapperMap the object DescriptiveMetadataModel generated from Unit data base model To a jaxb object DescriptiveMetadataContentType This help convert DescriptiveMetadataModel to xml using jaxbMapper that map ObjectGroupResponse(POJO Dslquery response) to a DataObjectPackage (JAXB elements)PhysicalDimensions mapperMap data base representation of rules to a jaxb representation =&tg; Map RuleCategoryModel to CommonRuleTransform Json Tree To Xml list of xml Element