Package fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common
package fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common
Provides common classes for the Functional Administration module.
ClassDescriptionDefines an Access contract model for SIP transfer control.Description of metadata collection Backup model.Accession Register Detail documentAccession Register Summary documentDefines a Agency collection.Agencies ParserDefines an archive unit Profile collection.Description of collectionBackup model.Defines a Context collection.error report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in import referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import (fileRulesModel) and some missingInformations for the importerror report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in import referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import and some missingInformations for the importerror report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in importing ontologies referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import and some missingInformations for the importFileAgencies Import ErrorCode enumerationFileFormat define the file referential format for VitamFileRules create the template of FileRules from VitamDocumentPOJO java use for import CSV Rules file.FileRules Import ErrorCode enumerationGriffin classDefines an Ingest contract model for SIP transfer control.Defines an Management contract modelDefines an ontology collection.Ontology Import ErrorCode enumerationDefines a Profile collection.Description of reconstruction item model.Description of reconstruction request item model.Description of reconstruction response item model.ReferentialAccessionRegisterSummaryUtilReferentialFileCommon utils for masterdata referential sevices.Common constants for reports.Defines a Security Profile collection.Class utils: generate VitamErrorDefines a Contract Sequence collection.