Package fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.common.server.database.collections
package fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.common.server.database.collections
Provides Logbook collection classes
ClassDescriptionAll collectionsLogbook Document MongoDb implementationElasticSearch model with MongoDB as main database with management of index and index entriesElasticsearchAccess FactoryAbstract class for Logbook LifeCycle itemEnum with all possible logbook life cycle parameters
Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullityLogbook LifeCycle ObjectGroup itemLogbook LifeCycle ObjectGroup In Process itemLogbook LifeCycle Unit itemLogbook LifeCycle Unit In Process itemFactory to get MongoDbAccess for LogbookMongoDb Access implementation base classEnum with all possible logbook parameters
Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullityLogbook Operation itemLogbook repository : direct access to databasesLogbookTransformData util