Uses of Package
Provides common Model classes for the Processing module.
Provides core interface and implementation for the Processing Data module.
Provides API classes for the Processing Distributor module
Provides rest resource implementation for the Processing Distributor module.
Provides API classes for the Process Distributor module
Provides core implementation for the Processing Engine module.
Provides core interface and implementation for the Processing Monitoring module.
Provides API classes for the Processing Management module
Provides Processing Management client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides core implementation for the Processing Management module.
Provides common utility classes for the Worker module.
ClassDescriptionProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionModel of Response from workerEnum StatusCode different constants status code for workflow , action handler and processProcess Response class Contains global process status, messages and list of action resultsStep Object in process workflowProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attributeThe class StorageInformation is used to store information about the storageWorker class used for deserialize JSON file (root element)Worker remote configuration : contains the properties used to create a worker client.Workspace Action enumWorkspace Queue class
ClassDescriptionProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionComposite Item StatusProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionStep Object in process workflowProccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
ClassDescriptionModel of Response from workerProcess Response class Contains global process status, messages and list of action results