Uses of Package
Provides the web server application and configuration for the IHM Recette module and the rest resource it uses
Provides reconstruction service classes for Logbook server module
Provides Storage Engine client interface, factory and implementations.
Provides Storage Engine client Exception classes.
Plugin package in worker module
ClassDescriptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.Storage Client Exception thrown when access to data from async offer requires valid access request
ClassDescriptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionStorage already exists Client ExceptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionStorage already exists Client ExceptionStorage Illegal Operation Client ExceptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.Storage Client Exception thrown when access to data from async offer requires valid access request
ClassDescriptionStorage already exists Client ExceptionStorage NotFound Client ExceptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
ClassDescriptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.Storage Client Exception thrown when access to data from async offer requires valid access request
ClassDescriptionException indicating the Storage server has an internal error.