Package fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.handler
package fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.handler
Provides Handler classes for the Worker Core module
ClassDescriptionAccession Register HandlerActionHandler abstract class of interface Action
Each ActionHandler must implements some public static methods:Check Archive Profile Handler - verify profil in manifestCheck Archive Profile Relation Handler Verify the relation between ingest contract and profil in manifestCheck profile status valuesElimination lock check handler.Check HEADER HandlerCheck HEADER HandlerHandler class used to check the ingest contract of SIP.Check ingest contract status valuesHandler checking that no objects in manifestHandler checking that digital objects number in workspace matches with manifest.xml.Check SIP - Object and Archiveunit Consistency handlerHandler class used to check the originating agency of SIP.Check Seda HandlerCheckStorageAvailability Handler.CheckVersionActionHandler handler class used to check the versions of DataObject in manifestCommitLifeCycle HandlerCommitLifeCycleObjectGroup HandlerCommitLifeCycleUnit HandlerDummy Handler (for test purpose)Handler class used to extract metaData.Handler Utils classAccession Register HandlerListArchiveUnitsAction Handler.ListRunningIngestsAction Handler.PrepareStorageInfoActionHandler Handler.IndexUnit HandlerTransfer notification reply handlerTnrClientConfiguration