Configuration / fichiers utiles Fichier /vitam/conf/cerebro/application.conf

http.port={{ cerebro.port }}
http.address= {{ ip_admin }}
# Secret will be used to sign session cookies, CSRF tokens and for other encryption utilities.
# It is highly recommended to change this value before running cerebro in production.
secret = "{{ cerebro.secret_key }}"

# Application base path
basePath = "/{{ cerebro.baseuri }}/"

# Defaults to RUNNING_PID at the root directory of the app.
# To avoid creating a PID file set this value to /dev/null
pidfile.path = "/dev/null"

# Rest request history max size per user
rest.history.size = 50 // defaults to 50 if not specified

# Path of local database file
data.path = "{{vitam_defaults.folder.root_path}}/data/cerebro/cerebro.db"

# Authentication
auth = {
  # Example of LDAP authentication
  #type: ldap
    #settings: {
      #url = "ldap://host:port"
      #base-dn = "ou=active,ou=Employee"
      #method  = "simple"
      #user-domain = "domain.com"
{% if cerebro.basicauth is defined %}
  # Simple username/password authentication
  type: basic
    settings: {
      username = "{{ cerebro.basicauth.username }}"
      password = "{{ cerebro.basicauth.password }}"
{% else %}
  # Example of simple username/password authentication
  #type: basic
    #settings: {
      #username = "admin"
      #password = "1234"
{% endif %}

# A list of known hosts
hosts = [
  #  host = "http://localhost:9200"
  #  name = "Some Cluster"
  # Example of host with authentication
  #  host = "http://some-authenticated-host:9200"
  #  name = "Secured Cluster"
  #  auth = {
  #    username = "username"
  #    password = "secret-password"
  #  }