Enum Class BuilderToken.QUERY

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<BuilderToken.QUERY>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum BuilderToken.QUERY extends Enum<BuilderToken.QUERY>
Query model
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    All expressions are grouped by an AND operator (all shall be true)
    $and : [ expression1, expression2, ...
    $box : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ] ]
    $center : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], radius ]
    Comparison operator
    $eq : { name : value }
    Field named 'name' shall exist
    $exists : name
    Selects where fields named 'name' are like the one provided, introducing some "fuzzy", which tends to be slower than mlt
    $flt : { $fields : [ name1, name2 ], $like : like_text }
    Selects geometries that intersect with a geometry
    $geoIntersects : { name : { geometry|box|polygon|center } }
    type might be Point (simple lng, lta), Box, Polygon
    $geometry : { $type : "type", $coordinates : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ], ...
    Selects geometries within a bounding geometry
    $geoWithin : { name : { geometry|box|polygon|center } }
    Comparison operator
    $gt : { name : value }
    Comparison operator $gte
    : { name : value }
    field named 'name' contains at least one of the values 'value1', 'value2', ...
    Field named 'name' shall be empty or set to null
    $isNull : name
    Comparison operator
    $lt : { name : value }
    Comparison operator
    $lte : { name : value }
    Selects where field named 'name' matches some words
    $match : { name : words, $max_expansions : n }
    Selects where field named 'name' matches all words
    $match_all : { name : words, $max_expansions : n }
    Selects where field named 'name' matches a phrase (somewhere)
    $match_phrase : { name : phrase, $max_expansions : n }
    Selects where field named 'name' matches a phrase as a prefix of the field
    $match_phrase_prefix : { name : phrase, $max_expansions : n }
    Field named 'name' shall not exist (faster than $not : [ $exists : name ] )
    $missing : name
    Selects where fields named 'name' are like the one provided
    $mlt : { $fields : [ name1, name2 ], $like : like_text }
    Comparison operator
    $ne : { name : value }
    Selects geometries in proximity to a point
    $near : { name : { geometry_point|[ lng1, lta1], $maxDistance : distance } }
    field named 'name' does not contain any of the values 'value1', 'value2', ...
    NOP expression, used to represent nop (Null Operation) query '{'$nop':'1'}'
    All expressions are grouped by an NOT operator (all shall be false)
    $not : [ expression1, expression2, ...
    All expressions are grouped by an OR operator (at least one shall be true)
    $or : [ expression1, expression2, ...
    Selects a node by its exact path (succession of ids)
    $path : [ id1, id2, ...
    $polygon : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ], ...
    Optimization of comparison operator in a range
    $range : { name : { $gte : value, $lte : value } }
    Selects where field named 'name' contains a value valid with the corresponding regular expression.
    Selects where field named 'name' contains something relevant to the search parameter.
    Size of an array named 'name' equals to specified length
    $size : { name : length }
    Allows nested search on _qualifiers.versions
    Selects where field named 'name' contains exactly this term (lowercase only, no blank).
    Selects where field named 'name' contains exactly this term (lowercase only, no blank) with optional wildcard character (* and ?).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final String
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • NOP

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY NOP
      NOP expression, used to represent nop (Null Operation) query '{'$nop':'1'}'
    • AND

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY AND
      All expressions are grouped by an AND operator (all shall be true)
      $and : [ expression1, expression2, ... ]
    • NOT

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY NOT
      All expressions are grouped by an NOT operator (all shall be false)
      $not : [ expression1, expression2, ... ]
    • OR

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY OR
      All expressions are grouped by an OR operator (at least one shall be true)
      $or : [ expression1, expression2, ... ]
    • EXISTS

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY EXISTS
      Field named 'name' shall exist
      $exists : name

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MISSING
      Field named 'name' shall not exist (faster than $not : [ $exists : name ] )
      $missing : name
    • ISNULL

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY ISNULL
      Field named 'name' shall be empty or set to null
      $isNull : name
    • IN

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY IN
      field named 'name' contains at least one of the values 'value1', 'value2', ...
      $in : { name : [ value1, value2, ... ] }
    • NIN

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY NIN
      field named 'name' does not contain any of the values 'value1', 'value2', ...
      $nin : { name : [ value1, value2, ... ] }
    • SIZE

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY SIZE
      Size of an array named 'name' equals to specified length
      $size : { name : length }
    • GT

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY GT
      Comparison operator
      $gt : { name : value }
    • LT

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY LT
      Comparison operator
      $lt : { name : value }
    • GTE

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY GTE
      Comparison operator $gte
      : { name : value }
    • LTE

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY LTE
      Comparison operator
      $lte : { name : value }
    • NE

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY NE
      Comparison operator
      $ne : { name : value }
    • EQ

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY EQ
      Comparison operator
      $eq : { name : value }
    • RANGE

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY RANGE
      Optimization of comparison operator in a range
      $range : { name : { $gte : value, $lte : value } }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY GEOMETRY
      type might be Point (simple lng, lta), Box, Polygon
      $geometry : { $type : "type", $coordinates : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ], ... ] }
    • BOX

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY BOX
      $box : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ] ]

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY POLYGON
      $polygon : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], [ lng2, lta2 ], ... ]
    • CENTER

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY CENTER
      $center : [ [ lng1, lta1 ], radius ]

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY GEOWITHIN
      Selects geometries within a bounding geometry
      $geoWithin : { name : { geometry|box|polygon|center } }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY GEOINTERSECTS
      Selects geometries that intersect with a geometry
      $geoIntersects : { name : { geometry|box|polygon|center } }
    • NEAR

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY NEAR
      Selects geometries in proximity to a point
      $near : { name : { geometry_point|[ lng1, lta1], $maxDistance : distance } }
    • MATCH

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MATCH
      Selects where field named 'name' matches some words
      $match : { name : words, $max_expansions : n }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MATCH_ALL
      Selects where field named 'name' matches all words
      $match_all : { name : words, $max_expansions : n }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MATCH_PHRASE
      Selects where field named 'name' matches a phrase (somewhere)
      $match_phrase : { name : phrase, $max_expansions : n }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MATCH_PHRASE_PREFIX
      Selects where field named 'name' matches a phrase as a prefix of the field
      $match_phrase_prefix : { name : phrase, $max_expansions : n }
    • FLT

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY FLT
      Selects where fields named 'name' are like the one provided, introducing some "fuzzy", which tends to be slower than mlt
      $flt : { $fields : [ name1, name2 ], $like : like_text }
    • MLT

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY MLT
      Selects where fields named 'name' are like the one provided
      $mlt : { $fields : [ name1, name2 ], $like : like_text }
    • REGEX

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY REGEX
      Selects where field named 'name' contains a value valid with the corresponding regular expression.
      $regex : { name : regex }
    • TERM

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY TERM
      Selects where field named 'name' contains exactly this term (lowercase only, no blank). Useful in simple value field to find one specific item, or for multiple tests at once (AND implicit).
      $term : { name : term, name : term }

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY WILDCARD
      Selects where field named 'name' contains exactly this term (lowercase only, no blank) with optional wildcard character (* and ?). Useful in simple value field to find one specific item.
      $wildcard : { name : term }
    • PATH

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY PATH
      Selects a node by its exact path (succession of ids)
      $path : [ id1, id2, ... ]

      public static final BuilderToken.QUERY SUBOBJECT
      Allows nested search on _qualifiers.versions
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static BuilderToken.QUERY[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static BuilderToken.QUERY valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • exactToken

      public final String exactToken()
      the exact token