Class PerformanceLogger


public class PerformanceLogger extends Object
simple logger to use same logger with same format for all performance time. To enable it, add on logback.xml file
  • Method Details

    • log

      public void log(String step, String action, String task, long time)
      log performance information with step, action and task.
      step - name of the step
      action - name of the action
      task - optional, use to log a treatment or a part of treatment
      time - duration of the treatment
    • log

      public void log(String step, String action, String task, long size, long time)
      step -
      action -
      task -
      size - of object
      time -
    • log

      public void log(String step, String action, long time)
      log performance information with step and action.
      step - name of the step
      action - name of the action
      time - duration of the treatment
    • log

      public void log(String step, long time)
      log performance information with step.
      step - name of the step
      time - duration of the treatment
    • getInstance

      public static PerformanceLogger getInstance()
      single instance on PerformanceLogger