Enum Class LogbookParameterName

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<LogbookParameterName>, Constable

public enum LogbookParameterName extends Enum<LogbookParameterName>
Enum with all possible logbook parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullity
  • Enum Constant Details

    • eventIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventIdentifier
      Operation identifier: unique identifier created through GUIDFactory.newOperationIdGUID(tenant) at starting call and reused in end call (ok or error).

      It is the identifier of one action/step within one process (workflow).
    • parentEventIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName parentEventIdentifier
      Parent event identifier: created for every child event to link it to the parent event/opration/task
      It is the identifier of the parent event if exists
    • eventType

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventType
      Event type: should use one global Enum ActionType

      Could be for instance: "Unzip", "CheckSeda", ...
    • eventDateTime

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventDateTime
      Set by the Logbook client: date time of the event
    • eventIdentifierProcess

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventIdentifierProcess
      Process identifier: unique identifier for global operation workflow.
      Primary key for Operation
    • eventTypeProcess

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventTypeProcess
      Event ProcessType: should use one global Enum ProcessType

      Could be for instance: "Ingest", "Audit", ...
    • outcome

      public static final LogbookParameterName outcome
      Status between: "STARTED", "OK", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL"

      One must use the StatusCode enum.

      Note that first call should be using "STARTED", while second should be one of the others.
    • outcomeDetail

      public static final LogbookParameterName outcomeDetail
      Vitam Code error as 404_nnnnnn where nnnnnn is the internal code error

      Can be null
    • outcomeDetailMessage

      public static final LogbookParameterName outcomeDetailMessage
      Message output, whatever the "outcome" status
    • agentIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName agentIdentifier
      Set by the Logbook client: Server identifier
    • agentIdentifierApplication

      public static final LogbookParameterName agentIdentifierApplication
      Name of the remote application

      Can be null
    • agentIdentifierPersonae

      public static final LogbookParameterName agentIdentifierPersonae
      Hash of the personae certificate

      Can be null
    • agentIdentifierApplicationSession

      public static final LogbookParameterName agentIdentifierApplicationSession
      Session (X-Application-Id) from the remote application

      Can be null
    • eventIdentifierRequest

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventIdentifierRequest
      W-Request-Id from top request
    • objectIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName objectIdentifier
      Object Identifier of the "process".

      For instance: SIP GUID, but never ArchiveUnit GUID for an Operation
      For instance: ArchiveUnit GUID for a LifeCycle
      For instance: GOT GUID for a LifeCycle
      For instance: BDO GUID for a LifeCycle event of a distributed task

      Object Identifier
      One of objectIdentifierRequest and objectIdentifier can be null but not both
    • lifeCycleIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName lifeCycleIdentifier
      Lifecycle Identifier of the "process".

      For instance: ArchiveUnit GUID for a LifeCycle.
      For instance: GOT GUID for a LifeCycle.

      Primary key for LifeCycle
      If null objectIdentifier is used to determine the LifeCycle to update.
    • objectIdentifierRequest

      public static final LogbookParameterName objectIdentifierRequest
      Object Identifier of the "process" using a request

      One of objectIdentifierRequest and objectIdentifier can be null but not both
    • objectIdentifierIncome

      public static final LogbookParameterName objectIdentifierIncome
      External Object Identifier on the current "process

      For instance: from Ingest, in the manifest.xml, this field is "MessageIdentifier"

      Can be null
    • masterData

      public static final LogbookParameterName masterData
      Master Data Identifier
    • rightsStatementIdentifier

      public static final LogbookParameterName rightsStatementIdentifier
      Master Data Identifier
    • agIdExt

      public static final LogbookParameterName agIdExt
      Master Data Identifier
    • eventDetailData

      public static final LogbookParameterName eventDetailData
      Event Detail Data on the current "process

      Can be null
    • events

      public static final LogbookParameterName events
      events list
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static LogbookParameterName[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static LogbookParameterName valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null