The processWorkflow will be marked RECOVER_FROM_API_PAUSE when pause action origin is API
The processWorkflow will be paused as soon as possible without waiting the end of the step.
The processWorkflow will be marked RECOVER_FROM_SERVER_PAUSE when pause action origin is server stop
The scenario is the same like RECOVER_FROM_API_PAUSE
The only difference is that when the server restarts,
only processWorkflow marked RECOVER_FROM_SERVER_PAUSE will be started automatically
public static finalPauseRecoverRECOVER_FROM_API_PAUSE
The processWorkflow will be marked RECOVER_FROM_API_PAUSE when pause action origin is API
The processWorkflow will be paused as soon as possible without waiting the end of the step.
If the current step ends correctly (pauseCancelAction of the current step is PauseOrCancelAction.ACTION_COMPLETE)
then the processWorkflow will be in pause state and the next step will be executed normally
If the current step ends with pauseCancelAction equals to PauseOrCancelAction.ACTION_PAUSE
this means that all elements of the current steps are not finished and state of the step should be saved in distributorIndex
When next or resume action occurs on the processWorkflow :
The processWorkflow will starts from the step marked PauseOrCancelAction.ACTION_PAUSE
After the execution of doRunning method in th state machine,
the pauseRecover of the processWorkflow must be updated to be NO_RECOVER
And the distributorIndex will be used to initialize the last offset and ItemStatus before pause
Then the processWorkflow continue to be executed normally
public static finalPauseRecoverRECOVER_FROM_SERVER_PAUSE
The processWorkflow will be marked RECOVER_FROM_SERVER_PAUSE when pause action origin is server stop
The scenario is the same like RECOVER_FROM_API_PAUSE
The only difference is that when the server restarts,
only processWorkflow marked RECOVER_FROM_SERVER_PAUSE will be started automatically
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an
enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are
not permitted.)
name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.