Uses of Class
Provides exception classes used for the Access External module.
Provides exception classes used for the Access Internal module.
Basic Vitam Client Common Configuration interface
Elasticsearch server package in Vitam
Provides translators for Elasticsearch
Common Exception package
Contains Client configuration classes
Provides Exception classes that could be thrown in the Format Identification module
Json support
Provides common classes for the Functional Administration module.
Provides Exception classes for the Functional Administration module.
Provides common server classes for the Functional Administration module
Provides IHM Demo Pagination Common classes
Provides IHM core classes
Package Ingest External Exception
Provides Ingest Internal Client interface, configuration, factory and implementations.
Provides Ingest Internal common exception classes
Provides the core classes for the Logbook Administration module
Provides Client common Exception classes for the Logbook module
Provides Logbook collection classes
Provides Server Exception classes for the Logbook module
Provides API classes for the Logbook Operations module
Provides core implementation for the Logbook Operations module.
Provides exception classes used for the Metadata module.
Provides common Exception classes for the Processing module.
Provides Storage Engine client Exception classes.
Provides common Exception classes for the Storage Engine module.
Provides core implementation (Workspace based) for the Storage Offer Default
Provides exception classes used for the Worker Client module
Plugin package in worker module
Provides Exception classes for the Workspace module
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.access.external.client
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(int tenantId, String processId, ProcessState state) boolean
(int tenantId, String processId, ProcessState state, int nbTry, long timeWait, TimeUnit timeUnit) This is a helper method for checking the status of an operation Loop until : - nbTry is reached - state is completed - state is pause and status ordinal is higher than started -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.access.external.client.exception
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.access.external.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Access Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.class
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.class
AccessException access errorclass
Main Logbook External Client Exception -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.access.internal.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Access Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.class
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.class
AccessException access errorclass
AccessExecutionException throw when the execution in access module has an errorclass
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.access.internal.serve.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception when missing access contrat -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.client
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String tenantId) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.collect.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM processing exceptions.class
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.collect.external.external.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Access Client Exceptionclass
NotFound Access Client Exception -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.collect.internal.client.exceptions
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.client.configuration
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.database.server.elasticsearch
(String clusterName, List<ElasticsearchNode> nodes) Create an ElasticSearch access -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.database.translators.elasticsearch
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic RequestToElasticsearch
(AbstractParser<?> requestParser) Create the RequestToElasticsearch adapted to the RequestParser -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.dsl.schema
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception used when contract does not give access to the Vitamclass
Exception to be thrown when archive unit contains fields declared in ontology with wrong usage (string instead of long, etc...)class
BadRequestException : Bad Request Exceptionclass
Exception used in DFS when a cycle is foundclass
Generic database exception throws by database servicesclass
InternalServerException : manage Internal Server Exceptionclass
Invalid GUID Exceptionclass
Invalid parse operationclass
Exception when has no writing permissionclass
Exception to be thrown when validation error occursclass
This exception is thrown only if transition for the currentState to the given new state is not allowed Possible case: current state is completed, any action (next, resume, cancel, pause) current state is running, action is next or resumeclass
TimeStamp exceptionclass
Exception when the client is disconnectedclass
// * This exception must be used when an error occured while creating, configuring or starting aVitamServer
Generic exception throws by any vitam java clientclass
Internal exception throws by any vitam java client when unknown issue occursclass
Vitam database exception. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.external.client.configuration
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.format.identification.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the fileclass
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the file format is not in white list (rejected)class
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the fileclass
Define a Format Identifier Configuration Not Found Exception to be thrown when the format identifier configuration cannot be found.class
Define a Format Identifier Implementation Not Found Exception to be thrown when the format identifier cannot be found.class
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the file -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.common.json
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception to be thrown when json schema loading failsclass
Exception to be thrown when json schema validation fails -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(InputStream file, String filename) importFile : import reference file to database -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.counter
(MongoDbAccessAdminImpl dbConfiguration, List<Integer> tenants, Map<Integer, List<String>> externalIdentifiers) Constructor -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Accession Register Exceptionclass
Accession Register Exceptionclass
AgencyImportDeletionException manage File Rules Exceptionclass
Define a BackupServiceException Exception to be thrown when something is not foundclass
DatabaseConflictException errorclass
FileFormatException errorclass
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.class
Exception throw when csv to import is not well format or is bad to parseclass
Exception thrown when user want to be delete a unit linked to a fileRulesclass
Exception throw when rule duration is inferior than duration in configurationclass
FileRulesException manage File Rules Exceptionclass
Exception thrown when duration mode update in illegal.class
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.class
Exception for FunctionalBackupServiceclass
Exception indicating the invalid file format XLM when parsing itclass
Exception indicating the invalid file format XLM when parsing itclass
Exception when creating a json object node from invalid objectclass
OntologyInternalExternalConflictException errorclass
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.class
Exception indicating that there is no XSD or RNG path file in the given profile.class
FileFormatException errorclass
Exception thrown when a file rules import is already in progressclass
Exception indicating that Referential Not Found. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.exception.schema
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
SchemaImportValidationException error -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.server
(String clusterName, List<ElasticsearchNode> nodes, ElasticsearchFunctionalAdminIndexManager indexManager) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.agencies
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAgenciesService.importAgencies
(InputStream stream, String filename) Import an input stream into agencies collection -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.archiveunitprofiles
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArchiveUnitProfileService.createArchiveUnitProfiles
(List<ArchiveUnitProfileModel> profileModelList) Create a collections of profile After passing the validation steps.ArchiveUnitProfileServiceImpl.createArchiveUnitProfiles
(List<ArchiveUnitProfileModel> profileModelList) void
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails) log fatal error (system or technical error)void
(String eventType, String objectId) log start processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String message) log end success processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails, String KOEventType) Log validation error (business error)ArchiveUnitProfileService.updateArchiveUnitProfile
(String id, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) Update an archive unit profile after passing validation steps : Field modified : - ActivationDate - DesactivationDate - LastUpdate - StatusArchiveUnitProfileServiceImpl.updateArchiveUnitProfile
(String id, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.backup
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(GUID logbookOperationMasterId, String eventType, String errorsDetails) log error (system or technical error)void
(GUID logbookOperationMasterId, String eventType, String digestStr, String fileName, String objectIdentifier) log end success processvoid
(GUID eipMaster, String eventCode, FunctionalAdminCollections collection, String objectIdentifier) void
(InputStream inputStream, GUID eipMaster, String eventCode, DataCategory dataCategory, String fileName) save file and log in logbook -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.context
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionContextService.createContexts
(List<ContextModel> contextModelList) Create a list of contextsContextServiceImpl.createContexts
(List<ContextModel> contextModelList) ContextService.deleteContext
(String contextId, boolean forceDelete) Delete a contextContextServiceImpl.deleteContext
(String contextId, boolean forceDelete) ContextService.updateContext
(String id, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) Update a contextContextServiceImpl.updateContext
(String id, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.contract
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAccessContractImpl.createContracts
(List<AccessContractModel> contractModelList) ContractService.createContracts
(List<T> contractModelList) Create a collections of contracts After passing the validation steps.IngestContractImpl.createContracts
(List<IngestContractModel> contractModelList) ManagementContractImpl.createContracts
(List<ManagementContractModel> contractModelList) void
(String errorsDetails, String eventType) log fatal error (system or technical error)void
log start processvoid
log end success processvoid
(String id) log update start processvoid
(String id, String identifier, List<String> listDiffs) void
(String errorsDetails, String eventType, String KOEventType) Log validation error (business error)AccessContractImpl.updateContract
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) ContractService.updateContract
(String id, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) Update contracts status after passing validation steps : Field modified : - ActivationDate - DesactivationDate - LastUpdate - StatusIngestContractImpl.updateContract
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) ManagementContractImpl.updateContract
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.format
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(InputStream xmlPronom, String filename) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.griffin
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGriffinService.importGriffin
(@NotNull List<GriffinModel> griffinsFromRequest) PreservationScenarioService.importScenarios
(@NotNull List<PreservationScenarioModel> listToImport) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.ontologies
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOntologyService.checkUpgradeOntologies
(List<OntologyModel> ontologyList) Check the safety of ontology import at vitam reinstall/upgradeOntologyServiceImpl.checkUpgradeOntologies
(List<OntologyModel> ontologyInternalModelList) OntologyService.importInternalOntologies
(List<OntologyModel> ontologyList) Import a collections of ontologies After passing the validation steps.OntologyServiceImpl.importInternalOntologies
(List<OntologyModel> ontologyInternalModelList) OntologyService.importOntologies
(boolean forceUpdate, List<OntologyModel> ontologyList) Import a collections of ontologies After passing the validation steps.OntologyServiceImpl.importOntologies
(boolean forceUpdate, List<OntologyModel> ontologyModelList) void
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails) log fatal error (system or technical error)void
(String eventType, String objectId) log start processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String message) log end success processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails) Log validation error (business error) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.profile
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProfileService.createProfiles
(List<CreateProfileModel> createProfileModels) Create a collections of profile After passing the validation steps.ProfileServiceImpl.createProfiles
(List<CreateProfileModel> createProfileModels) ProfileService.importProfileFile
(String profileIdentifier, InputStream profileFile) 1.ProfileServiceImpl.importProfileFile
(String profileIdentifier, InputStream profileFile) void
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails) log fatal error (system or technical error)void
(String eventType, String objectId) log start processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String message) log end success processvoid
(String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails, String eventTypeKO) Log validation error (business error)ProfileService.updateProfile
(ProfileModel profileModel, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl) Update profileProfileService.updateProfile
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl) Update profiles after passing validation steps : Field modified : - ActivationDate - DesactivationDate - LastUpdate - StatusProfileServiceImpl.updateProfile
(ProfileModel profileModel, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl) ProfileServiceImpl.updateProfile
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonDsl) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.core.schema
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<String> pathsToDelete, boolean includeAllTenant) SchemaService.importExternalSchemaElements
(List<SchemaInputModel> externalSchemaList) Import external schema on current tenantvoid
(GUID operationGuid, String eventType, String objectId, String errorsDetails) void
(GUID operationGuid, String eventType) void
(GUID operationGuid, String eventType, String errorsDetails) Log validation error (business error)void
(List<SchemaInputModel> externalSchemaInputList, List<SchemaResponse> currentUnitSchemaList, Map<String, OntologyModel> ontologyEltsMapByIdentifier, Map<String, List<ErrorReportSchema>> importErrors) Validate input schema list coherence -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSecurityProfileService.createSecurityProfiles
(List<SecurityProfileModel> securityProfileList) SecurityProfileService.deleteSecurityProfile
(String securityProfileId) SecurityProfileService.updateSecurityProfile
(String identifier, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode queryDsl) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.functionaltest.cucumber.step
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
protected void
(String operationId, StatusCode... statuses) void
(String sedaVersion) void
(String id) void
call vitam to upload the planvoid
call vitam to upload the SIPvoid
call vitam to upload the treeboolean
(String status, int nbTry, long timeWait, TimeUnit timeUnit) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ihmdemo.common.pagination
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptioncom.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode result, OffsetBasedPagination pagination) com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
(String sessionId, OffsetBasedPagination pagination) void
(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ihmdemo.core
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
(String unitId, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode allParents) This method builds an ObjectNode based on a list of JsonNode objectstatic ByteArrayOutputStream
(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode logbookOperation) Generates execution time by step relative to a logbook operation -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.external.api.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Ingest Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating the resource server has an internal error.class
IngestExternalException ingest error -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.external.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
IngestInternalException ingest error -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.internal.client
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(WorkFlow workFlow) initWorkflow : init workFlow Processvoid
(InputStream inputStream, archiveType, WorkFlow workflow, String action) Upload compressed SIP as streamvoid
(Iterable<LogbookOperationParameters> logbookParametersList) Create only Logbook -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.ingest.internal.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Thrown when there is an illegal file or folder name in the zipclass
Main Ingest Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.class
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client has an error on the server.class
IngestInternal Exceptionclass
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.administration.core
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLogbookLFCAdministration.checkLifecycleTraceabilityStatus
(String operationId) Check lifecycle traceability statusboolean
(GUID traceabilityOperationGUID, LfcTraceabilityType lfcTraceabilityType) Secure the logbook Lifecycles since last securisation by launching a workflow. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.administration.core.api
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLogbookCheckConsistencyService.logbookCoherenceCheckByTenant
(Integer tenant) Logbook coherence check by tenant. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.administration.core.impl
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLogbookCheckConsistencyServiceImpl.logbookCoherenceCheckByTenant
(Integer tenant) Logbook consistency check by tenant. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception is thrown when the object to be created already existsclass
Exception indicating a resource given as parameter is malformed.class
Main Logbook Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.class
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.class
exception when the traceability task failed -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.common.server.database.collections
(String clusterName, List<ElasticsearchNode> nodes, ElasticsearchLogbookIndexManager indexManager) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.common.server.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception is thrown when the object to be created already existsclass
Exception indicating an error with datadaseclass
Main Logbook Exceptionclass
Exception indicating an error while executing a request on database index.class
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.operations.api
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLogbookOperations.findLastLifecycleTraceabilityOperation
(String eventType, boolean traceabilityWithZipOnly) Find last OK or WARNING LFC traceability operation (even if no traceability zip has been generated) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.logbook.operations.core
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAlertLogbookOperationsDecorator.findLastLifecycleTraceabilityOperation
(String eventType, boolean traceabilityWithZipOnly) LogbookOperationsDecorator.findLastLifecycleTraceabilityOperation
(String eventType, boolean traceabilityWithZipOnly) LogbookOperationsImpl.findLastLifecycleTraceabilityOperation
(String eventType, boolean traceabilityWithZipOnly) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.api.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
MetaDataAlreadyExistException duplicate errorclass
Exception indicating the Metadata server has an internal errorclass
MetaDataDocumentSizeException max size exceeded errorclass
MetaDataException the father of all metadata exceptionclass
MetaDataExecutionException database errorclass
MetaData Invalid Select Exception: will be thrown for invalid requestclass
MetadataInvalidUpdateException update failed in update operation in metatadaclass
MetaDataNotFoundException document not found errorclass
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.core.database.collections
(String clusterName, List<ElasticsearchNode> nodes, ElasticsearchMetadataIndexManager indexManager) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.core.graph
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.core.migration
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(int threshold) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.metadata.core.reconstruction.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exception used for Reconstruction service -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.processing.common.async
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.processing.common.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a Archive Unit Contain Data Object Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error This kind of exception occurs when an archive unit references a Binary Data Object instead of a Data Object Groupclass
HandlerNotFoundException thrown by worker when pool handler does not contain key of action handlerclass
PluginNotFoundException thrown by worker when plugin is not installedclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an archive unit contains a special characterclass
Define Missig field Exception, will be thrown when mandatory field is missingclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM plugin exceptions.class
PluginNotFoundException thrown by worker when plugin is not installedclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Exception handled by the ProcessEngine.class
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM processing exceptions.class
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when a fatal error occurredclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when there is a line break or spaces where should not beclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with reference occurred in the manifest, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with everyDataObjectVersion is false when object group is attached to an existing objectGroup , not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with master is not present in the manifest, not a fatal errorclass
ProcessingStorageWorkspaceException thrown by ProcessDataManagement when an error occurs on workspace actionsclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal errorclass
ProcessWorkflowNotFoundException manage workflow not found Exceptionclass
StepAlreadyExecutedException manage steps already executed Exceptionclass
Worker Family not found exception throws by engineclass
Worker not found exception throws by engine -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Personal certificate exception -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Storage already exists Client Exceptionclass
Main Storage Client Exceptionclass
Storage Illegal Operation Client Exceptionclass
Storage NotFound Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating the Storage server has an internal error.class
Storage Client Exception thrown when access to data from async offer requires valid access request -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something already exists and it should notclass
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something wrong with the driver mapper (updating driver / offer associations)class
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when the driver manager does not find a required driver (from an offer)class
Main Storage Exceptionsclass
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something is not foundclass
Exception thrown when any unwilling technical exception occursclass
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when access to data from async offer is not acceptable -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of VitamException in
Uses of VitamException in
Uses of VitamException in
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Thrown when updating an existing non updatable object. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.client.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Worker Client Exceptionclass
Worker NotFound Client Exceptionclass
Exception indicating the Worker server has an internal error. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Invalid Rule Exception when compute rulesclass
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.plugin
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
(String idDocument, DataCategory dataCategory, LogbookLifeCyclesClient logbookClient) retrieve the Raw LFC for the metadata document (Unit or Got)protected com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
(String idDocument, DataCategory dataCategory, MetaDataClient metaDataClient) selectMetadataDocumentById, Retrieve Metadata Document from DBvoid
(WorkerParameters params, HandlerIO handlerIO, List<String> objectGroupIds) void
(WorkerParameters params, HandlerIO handlerIO, List<String> unitIds) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.plugin.audit.exception
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.plugin.computeinheritedrules.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ComputedInheritedRulesException -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.plugin.evidence.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DataRectificationException classclass
EvidenceAuditException class -
Uses of VitamException in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(MetaDataClient mdClient, LogbookLifeCyclesClient lfcClient, StorageClient storageClient, HandlerIO handler, WorkerParameters params, String guid, String fileName) Store Unit with LFC by storing UNIT+LFC in workspace then storing in offers. -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.worker.core.utils
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic InputStream
(MetaDataClient metaDataClient, DeleteGotVersionsRequest deleteGotVersionsRequest, HandlerIO handler) -
Uses of VitamException in fr.gouv.vitam.workspace.api.exception
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Thrown when creating a resource (Container, Folder) that already exists.class
Thrown when there is an error on a Compressed file (format, etc).class
Thrown when the workspace client server is unavailableclass
Top level Exception for all Workspace Exceptionsclass
Thrown when a resource (Container, Folder) cannot be located.class
Thrown when the workspace client server is unavailableclass
Thrown when there is an error on a zip file resource (format, etc).class
Thrown when there is an error on a zip file resource (format, etc).class
Thrown when there is an not allowed file or folder name in the zip