All Classes and Interfaces

Accession Register Handler
This class must be the reference to create new connection implementation compatible with vitam client
Data Transfer Object Model of access contract (DTO).
This class must be the reference to create new drivers implementation compatible with vitam
Common implementation of compute graph for UNIT and GOT
Default base class for Data stored as Json or Xml.
Abstract Mock common client
Abstract Mock common client
Fake Inbound Response for Mock client support
Fake Inbound Response for Mock client support
Abstract class implementing Parser for a Request Common abstract for both Multiple and Single Request
Common Abstract Request
Class to use when a test needs a shiro Subject or SecurityManager.
Abstract vitam cache
This class implements all methods that have a VitamLogLevel parameter by default to call specific logger methods such as or VitamLogger.isInfoEnabled().
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0)
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0)
Defines an Access contract model for SIP transfer control.
Manage the X_ACCESS_CONTRACT_ID header from the server-side perspective.
Helper class to manage the X_ACCESS_CONTRAT_ID and VitamSession links
Contract validator and logBook manager
Data Transfer Object Model of access contract (DTO).
Used to validate contracts (any class that extends AbstractContractModel) and to apply acceptance rules.
AccessExtAPI containing different AccessExt uri
Access External Client Interface
Main Access Client Exception
Access External Client Factory
Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.
Access External Client Interface
Access External Client Factory
Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned
AccessConfiguration contains database access informations
Access External web application
AccessException access error
Access client interface
Main Access Client Exception
Access client factory

Used to create access client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.
AccessConfiguration contains database access informations
AccessException access error
AccessExecutionException throw when the execution in access module has an error
AccessModule interface for database operations in select
AccessModuleImpl implements AccessModule
Access Resource REST API
Description of metadata collection Backup model.
Accession Register Detail document
POJO java use for mapping @AccessionRegisterDetail
Accession Register Exception
Enum AccessionRegisterStatus different constants status code for Accession register
Step defining Accession register behavior
Accession Register Summary document
POJO java use for mapping @AccessionRegisterSummary
Accession Register Summary document
Access parameters with the configuration
Access service containing common code for access
step defining access glue
Exception used when contract does not give access to the Vitam
Action component
Action class containing an actionDefinition
ActionDefinition class This class is used to define an action It has for the moment 2 fields actionKey and actionType
ActionHandler abstract class of interface Action

Each ActionHandler must implements some public static methods:
Enum for activation status (ACTIVE / INACTIVE)
Add Action: $add : { name : [ value, value, ...
Add Action
Admin application class
Admin basic client interface
Admin basic client interface
All collections in functional admin module
Admin External Client Interface
Admin External Client Factory
Used to create admin external client : if configuration file does not exist 'access-external-client.conf',
mock access client will be returned
Mock client implementation for Admin External
Admin functional Application declaring resources for the functional administration of Vitam
rest module declaring admin resource
Admin application.
AdminManagementClient interface
Admin management client factory use to get client by type "rest" or "mock"
Mock client implementation for AdminManagement
Accession Register Exception
AdminManagementConfiguration inherated from DbConfigurationImpl
Admininstration management web application
Admin application.
Offer diff resource.
Default Administration Status message
AdminStatusResource : Manage Admin Functionality through Admin URI
Admin application.
Defines a Agency collection.
Data Transfer Object Model of Agency
Agencies Parser
Data Transfer Object Model of Reporting
AgenciesService class allowing multiple operation on AgenciesService collection
AgencyImportDeletionException manage File Rules Exception
Model for AgentType defined in seda.xsd
LogbookOperationsDecorator implementation.
Interface for securiry alert service.
Security alert service implementation.
List of error codes as defined by Amazon's S3 API and used by Amazon S3 connector in Vitam.
Amazon SDK S3 V1 abstract implementation Manage with all common amazon sdk s3 v1 methods.
Appplication Parameter interface
Implementation of VitamResources which handle common tasks for all sub-implementation
resource to manage system test
service to manage cucumber test
Cache for archive storage on disk with Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy.
ArchiveEntryInputStream class Archive input streams MUST override the[], int, int) - or - method so that reading from the stream generates EOF for the end of data in each entry as well as at the end of the file proper.
The class DataObjectAtrExtra is storing the Object extra fields detail
Define a Archive Unit Contain Data Object Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error This kind of exception occurs when an archive unit references a Binary Data Object instead of a Data Object Group
ArchiveUnit internal model (_id, _mgt...)
ArchiveUnitUpdateUtils in order to deal with common update operations for units
listener to unmarshall seda
Map the object ArchiveUnitModel generated from Unit data base model To a jaxb object ArchiveUnitType This help convert ArchiveUnitModel to xml using jaxb
map archive unit to model
ArchiveUnit external model (#id, #management...)
Exception to be thrown when archive unit contains fields declared in ontology with wrong usage (string instead of long, etc...)
Defines an archive unit Profile collection.
This class manage validation and log operation of profile service
POJO java use for mapping @ArchiveUnitProfile
This service manages CRUD on Archive unit profiles
This service manages CRUD on Archive unit profiles
The implementation of the archive unit profile CRUD
Enum ArchiveUnitProfileStatus.
Profile Step
Used to validate archive unit profiles and to apply acceptance rules.
Rejection Cause
ArchiveUnitRulesUpdateAction Plugin.
ArchiveUnitUpdateUtils in order to deal with common update operations for units
Async Response for InputStream Helper


Direct download, where no Http Client is called but a direct InputStream generated
Interface for a callback method used by AsyncResourcesMonitor class to notify origin workflow when async resource monitoring is finished (async resources are ready, need to be recreated or workflow has been interrupted).
Helper service that handles background cleanup of unused asynchronous resources from storage engine.
Global processing service monitoring regularly the status of asynchronous resources from storage engine.
Minimal implementation for AsyncResponse Tests in Junit
Send asynchronously files to the workspace Manage double collection, one for managing completable waitMonitor as batch The scond collection is for WorkspaceQueue, information of files to be sent to the workspace
Archive Transfer Reply KO from primary Ingest external steps
Counter of different status for all statuses of an object group
The options for launch audit logbook
Additional statistics for audit report.
Contains counter for each statues.
AuditStep class
Constants for the Ingest Workflow.
Enumeration of the Vitam authentication levels.
Authorization Filter
Handles permission based access authorization for REST endpoints.
Authorization Filter Helper
Class manage logbook operations logging
BackupService class for storing files in offers Thread Safe
Define a BackupServiceException Exception to be thrown when something is not found
BadRequestException : Bad Request Exception
Base16, Base32 and Base64 codecs
Handles REST endpoints's access based on the basic authentication.
Description of Vitam Basic authentication.
Basic client api for vitam client
Basic client api for vitam client
Basic implementation of a vitam server using embedded jetty as underlying app server
BasicVitamStatusServiceImpl : Manage Basic Functionality of Status Service
Mass Report Configuration
Boolean Query
the class Boolean query
Buffer with buffering allowing One Writer and Multiple Readers.
Main language definition
FACET model
FACET args model
Specific values for Filter arguments
Global model
Action Filter model
Projection model
Projection args model

specific fields: nbunits, dua, ...
Query model
Query args model
Range args model
SelectFilter model
Update model
Update from distribution :
- execute update (bulk metadata)
- compute results : if not updated (because nothing to do) => WARNING/ add batch-report line, if KO/ add batch-report line, if OK to the next
- in case of OK update and store the lfc of the unit with diff and add to batch report
BulkAtomicUpdateQueryProcessBulk Gathers bulk update queries
BulkAtomicUpdateQueryProcessItem Represents an update query
BulkAtomicUpdateStep class
Iterator that loads data in chunks, and return single entries
Handles execution of bulk select queries, in concurrent executors This class is stateful, and supports concurrent access to public methods.
Business application for access external declaring resources and filters
Business application for access internal declaring resources and filters
module declaring business resource
module declaring business resource
Business application for elastic-kibana-interceptor declaring resources and filters
Business application for function administration declaring resources and filters
Business application for ihm demo declaring resources and filters
Business Application for ihm recette declaring resources and filters
Business application for ingest external declaring resources ad filters
Business Application for Ingest Internal
Logbook application declaring resources and filters
Metadata resources and filter
Processing Management resources
module declaring business resource
Business application for storage engine declaring resources and fiters
Offer register resources and filters
Business Application for Worker
Workspace register resources and filters
Enum BusinessObjectType different constants business object types
Json serializer with canonicalization.
base model for identity
Certificate state updater helper class
Certificate state updater contract for revocation check of VITAM's identity and personal certificates.
mapper to CertificateException
Status for certificate against a CRL check Default : VALID
Charset Utility class
Check Archive Profile Handler - verify profil in manifest
Check Archive Profile Relation Handler Verify the relation between ingest contract and profil in manifest
Check profile status values
CheckArchiveUnitProfile Plugin.
CheckArchiveUnitSchema Plugin.
CheckClassificationLevelAction Plugin
Elimination lock check handler.
CheckConformityAction Plugin.
Check HEADER Handler
Check distribution threshold.
Check HEADER Handler
Handler class used to check the ingest contract of SIP.
Check ingest contract status values
Handler checking that no objects in manifest
CheckObjectGroupSchemaAction Plugin.
CheckSizeActionPlugin Plugin.
Handler checking that digital objects number in workspace matches with manifest.xml.
Display logged messages
Check SIP - Object and Archiveunit Consistency handler
Handler class used to check the originating agency of SIP.
Check is the threshold value (provided in query.json or by default platform) is less or equal than number of queries in query.json file
Abstract service of resource availability plugins.
Check Seda Handler
CheckStorageAvailability Handler.
CheckVersionActionHandler handler class used to check the versions of DataObject in manifest
Class classification level
classification level service
In memory report management for ingest cleanup workflow.
Defines minimal common configurations for client configuration properties.
ClientConfiguration interface's implementation
ClientConfiguration interface's implementation
Results for client mock
Results for client mock
Iterator with a close method.
Helper class for CloseableIterators
Collect Client Interface
Main Access Client Exception
Collect Client Factory class.
NotFound Access Client Exception
Collect Client implementation for production environment
Collect external Configuration
Collect External web application
Collect Client Interface
Collect Client Factory class.
Collect Client implementation for production environment
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM processing exceptions.
launch collect server
Description of collectionBackup model.
step defining collect behaviors
POJO java use for mapping @fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.CombinedSchemaModel
CommitLifeCycle Handler
CommitLifeCycleObjectGroup Handler
CommitLifeCycleUnit Handler
list of all business application
CommonMediaType contains a different archive mime type supported by Vitam
Common rule Interface
Base for Common rule Interface in order to manage seda multi versions
Compare Query
the class of compare query
CompressInformation POJO containing information on files to be compressed
Unit inherited rules service
Configuration Applucation
Configuration File Interface
Basic helper methods for reclassification plugins
Represents a connection to the distant storage offer service that is provided by the driver when calling the connect method:
Workspace Connection Implementation
Container basic information for capacity feature
Formatting & parsing utils for container names.
The ContentAddressableStorage interface.
Abstract class of CAS that contains common methos
Thrown when creating a resource (Container, Folder) that already exists.
Thrown when there is an error on a Compressed file (format, etc).
Thrown when the workspace client server is unavailable
Top level Exception for all Workspace Exceptions
Abstract class of CAS that contains common methods for a Jclouds backend
Thrown when a resource (Container, Folder) cannot be located.
Thrown when the workspace client server is unavailable
Thrown when there is an error on a zip file resource (format, etc).
Defines a Context collection.
Data Transfer Object Model of Context
ContextService Interface declaring methods associated to contexts
Enum ContextStatus.
Context Step
Context Validator class
Context Rejection Cause inner class
Common utils for contract services
Data Transfer Object Model of ingest contract with subobjects (DTO).
ContractService Interface declaring common methods for Contracts
Map the object MetadataModel generated from ObjectGroup data base model To a jaxb object CoreMetadataType This help convert MetadataModel to xml using jaxb
create manifest and put in on workspace
mapper to CRLException
CRL service contract for revocation check of VITAM's identity and personal certificates.
Class to manage cucumber
Custodial History Mapper
Custodial History Mapper
Model CustodialHistory
Exception used in DFS when a cycle is found
DatabaseConflictException error
Generic interface for a Database connection
DatabaseCursor class Show database position of request response
Generic database exception throws by database services
Lists different type of data the access component can access to.
Define the differents type of "object" than can be stored, retrieve or deleted from different storage offer
DataContext class
EvidenceAuditFinalize class
The class DataObjectAtrExtra is storing the Object extra fields detail
The class DataObjectDetail is stored all information of the DataObject (Physical or Binary)
The class DataObjectInfo is stored all information of the DataObjectInfo
Data Object Reference POJO
DataRectificationException class
DataCorrectionService class
DataRectificationStep class
Date Range facet
Defines minimal common configurations for database configuration properties.
Implementation of DbConfiguraton Interface
DB Request using MongoDB only
DbRequest Helper common for Single and Multiple
This class is the result of DbRequestSingle's execution
This class execute all request single in Vitam
Abstract client class for all vitam client
Abstract client class for all vitam client
DefaultGriffin class
DefaultOfferMain class
Default offer service interface define offer methods
Default minimal Vitam Application Configuration
Default minimal for Vitam IHM Application Configuration
Default parameters for worker
An input stream that buffers data in memory for small sizes, and to a temporary file otherwise.
Delete: { $query : query, $filter : multi } or [ query, multi ]
Delete: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : multi } or [ roots, query, multi ]
Delete Parser: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : multi }
Delete Parser: { $query : query, $filter : multi }
Delete to MongoDb
Description of the step execution.
Map the object DescriptiveMetadataModel generated from Unit data base model To a jaxb object DescriptiveMetadataContentType This help convert DescriptiveMetadataModel to xml using jaxb
Map the object DescriptiveMetadataContentType generated by jaxb when parse manifest.xml To a local java object DescriptiveMetadataModel that should match Unit data base model
DescriptiveMetadataModel POJO
Digest implementation
Digest Type (supported algorithms)
DirectedCycle Class
Distribution object in each step of workflow processing
Enum of kind for distributor
Description of distribution report Model
Enumeration of distribution status
Distribution Type
Composite Item Status
Enum of Vitam domains
Driver interface that all storage offer drivers MUST implement to be discovered by the Vitam driver manager.
Workspace Driver Implementation
DriverManager implementation.
DriverManager configuration mapper
Interface use to implement DriverMapper.
Dsl schema interface
Dynamic Feature for JsonNode resource
Helper class to create DSL queries
Jax-rs scanner for validate Query DSL on external api Endpoint We make priority to 5000 for pass after SanityChecker Filter that we have a priority of 2000
List of dsl schemas
Validator for Dsl queries.
Dummy Handler (for test purpose)
Elasticsearch Access
Factory to get ElasticsearchAccess for Admin
ElasticSearch model with MongoDB as main database
ElasticSearch model with MongoDB as main database
ElasticsearchAccess Factory
Elasticsearch Collections
Elasticsearch Unit and ObjectGroup mapping
ElasticsearchFacetResultHelper for mapping ES object to Vitam FacetResult
Represents an elasticsearch index or index alias
Elasticsearch Node
Elasticsearch Util
transform a Element to a Map
Elimination action accession register preparation handler.
Elimination action accession register update plugin.
Elimination action delete object group plugin.
Elimination action delete unit plugin.
Elimination action detach object group plugin.
Elimination action finalization handler.
Elimination evDetData Model
Elimination action object group preparation handler.
Elimination action finalization handler.
Elimination action unit preparation handler.
Elimination analysis finalization handler.
Elimination analysis preparation handler.
Elimination analysis service.
Elimination analysis unit indexation plugin.
Check distribution threshold.
Elimination evDetData Model
Elimination Body
EmptyCloseableIterator implementation
Empty mongo cursor implementation to use in place of a real MongoCursor
Handles permission based access authorization for REST endpoints.
Filter used to handle the basic authentication for REST endpoints, annotated with VitamAuthentication.
REST endpoint information
Handles permission based access authorization for REST endpoints.
Handles personal certificate access authorization for REST endpoints.
Model of Response from worker
used for the serialisation/unserialisation of the json object It is currently used both for container and folder
Enums to manage white listed fields
Enums to manage white listed fields
Enum that describes error messages due the workspace
Error Message for Ingest External
Error Message for Logbook
Error Message for Metadata
error report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in import referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import (fileRulesModel) and some missingInformations for the import
error report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in import referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import and some missingInformations for the import
error report for generate error Report when some think is wrong in importing ontologies referential This class contain code in, the line of the error, Object in error to import and some missingInformations for the import
Description of the logbook event model.
EvidenceAuditDatabaseCheck class
EvidenceAuditException class
EvidenceAuditExtractFromZip class
EvidenceAuditFinalize class
Counter of different status for all statuses of an object
EvidenceAuditGenerateReports class
EvidenceAuditListSecuredFiles class
Evidence audit Parameters
EvidenceAuditReportEntry class
EvidenceAuditReportLine class
EvidenceAuditReportObject class
EvidenceAuditReportObject class
Additional statistics for audit report.
Contains counter for each statues.
Lifecycle traceability audit resource
Evidence Service class
EvidenceStatus class
EvidenceStatus class
Input stream that checks input stream digest
Input stream that checks input stream size (avoids premature EOF or invalid file size) This input stream guaranties that an exception occur BEFORE the last data byte is returned.
Exists, Missing, IsNull Query
the class of exist query
Enumeration of ExtendedAttributes managed by the ContentAddressableStorage
Manage the headers from the server-side perspective.
External Logbook Step
Handler class used to extract metaData.
Class contains messages of response.
Facet component
Facet bucket
Description of facet ranges model.
Enumeration of the Vitam Facet filters.
Facet helper
Description of facet item model.
Facet from Parser Helper
Facet Result
Enumeration of the Vitam Facet types.
Driver implementation for test only
Fake InputStream: test class only
Hacky implementation for HashMap with fast "containsKey" O(1) method.
FileAgencies Import ErrorCode enumeration
The driver mapper implementation Using file to persist driver / offer association.
FileFormat define the file referential format for Vitam
FileFormatException error
POJO java use for mapping FileFormat
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the file
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the file format is not in white list (rejected)
Object mapping FileInfoResponse
FileRules create the template of FileRules from VitamDocument
POJO java use for import CSV Rules file.
Exception throw when csv to import is not well format or is bad to parse
Exception thrown when user want to be delete a unit linked to a fileRules
Exception throw when rule duration is inferior than duration in configuration
FileRules Import ErrorCode enumeration
FileRulesException manage File Rules Exception
Exception thrown when duration mode update in illegal.
Data Transfer Object Model of Reporting File Rule Management
POJO java use for mapping @FileRules
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.
FileSystemMock implements a Content Addressable Storage that stores objects on the file system.
File Utility class
Filters facet
FinalizeLifecycleTraceabilityAction Plugin
FinalizeObjectGroupLifecycleTraceabilityActionPlugin Plugin
FinalizeUnitLifecycleTraceabilityActionPlugin Plugin
Definition of a type of the schema.
FormatIdentificationAction Plugin.
Object mapping FormatIdentificationResponse
Format identifier interface
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the file
Format Identifier Configuration : contains all the parameters to instantiate a FormatIdentifier implementation.
Format Identifier Factory : used to retrieve the FormatIdentifier implementations
Define a Format Identifier Configuration Not Found Exception to be thrown when the format identifier configuration cannot be found.
FormatIdentifierInfo the object containing information returned by the status
Define a Format Identifier Implementation Not Found Exception to be thrown when the format identifier cannot be found.
FormatIdentifierResponse the object containing information returned by the identifier
Siegfried implementation of format identifier
Define a File Format Exception to be thrown when the format identifier does not found the format of the file
Format Identifier types
FunctionalAdminAdmin class defining admin port and host
All collections in functional admin module
Functional backupService
Exception for FunctionalBackupService
GenerateLifecycleTraceabilityAction Plugin
FinalizeObjectGroupLifecycleTraceabilityActionPlugin Plugin
GenerateUnitLifecycleTraceabilityActionPlugin Plugin
Used to validate contracts (any class that extends AbstractContractModel) and to apply acceptance rules.
Generic Rejection Cause inner class
Generic Exception Mapper for Jetty Server
Generate the report :
- compute data from batch-report
- store the report file
- clean the batch-report data
Dsl schema validator for get by id DSL queries.
Global Variables and eventually method used by REST services
Main configuration for Query support
Default configuration for DB support
Configuration for Parser
This object content the new technical object group guid and the an boolean.
Graph contains Directed Acyclic Graph
state enum
This is a default implementation of VitamCache You can given any other implementation using for example VitamCollection as parameter in the constructor You can also implement with QueryDsl
Response given when compute graph (Unit/GOT)
This class get units where calculated data are modified Zip generated files and store the zipped file in the offer.
This class compute graph for unit and object group Should only be called from GraphFactory
Helper class for graph cycle detection.
compute graph information with recursive parent load.
Contains information of relation child -> parent unit: the current treated unit unitOriginatingAgency: the originatingAgency of the current unit parent: the parent unit of the current treated unit parentOriginatingAgency: the originatingAgency of the parent unit depth: the depth of the relation AU1 / \ \ / \ \ AU2 AU3 \ \ / \ \ / | AU4 / \ / \ / AU5 AU1/AU2 depth = 1 AU1/AU5 depth = 1 AU1/AU3 depth = 1 AU2/AU4 depth = 2 AU3/AU4 depth = 2 AU4/AU5 depth = 3 (ignored as we have already /AU5 with depth 1)
Helper class for graph
Griffin class
GriffinByFormat class
GriffinModel class
GroupByObjectIterator class
GUID Interface
GUID Factory

One should use the appropriate helper according to the type of the object for the GUID.
For instance: for a Unit newUnitGUID(tenantId);

No one should not in general use directly newGUID helpers.
Defines all types that could have a UUID
Utility Enum for GUIDObjectType
GUUID Reader
Interface of HandlerIO for all Handlers
Handler input and output parameter
HandlerNotFoundException thrown by worker when pool handler does not contain key of action handler
Handler Utils class
FileSystem implements a Content Addressable Storage that stores objects on the file system with a hierarchical vision
Helper for the FileSystem offer
Manage the headers from the client-side perspective.
Manage the headers from the server-side perspective.
HeaderId Helper, check and put header values
Context of request
Class helper to manage specifics Vitam headers
IdentifierType class
model to create or update identity collection
launch internal-security server
model for identity
repository for identity certificate entities management in mongo.
manage certificate.
This implemented by the state machine and passed to the ProcessEngine ProcessEngine can with this callback the state machine and update it with the information about the execution of step with her status code
This interface expose the action to be executed by the ProcessManager
Global Variables and eventually method used by REST services
Ihm-demo web application
Ihm recette client configuration
IngestInternal client factory
Used to create IngestInternal client : if configuration file does not exist 'ingest-internal-client.conf',
mock IngestInternal client will be returned
Ihm-recette web application
Enum use to represent possible HTTP header for Vitam application.
mapper on IllegalArgumentException
Pojo for storing child / parent attachment with inconsistent unit-type reference.
Thrown when there is an illegal file or folder name in the zip
Inc Action: $inc : { name : value }
Inc Action
IndexationHelper useful method for indexation
IndexObjectGroupAction Plugin
Index Parameters class
IndexUnitAction Plugin
Accession Register Handler
Class for ATR tests.
Ingest collection types with collection names.
Ingest collection types with collection names.
Defines an Ingest contract model for SIP transfer control.
IngestContract implementation class
Contract validator
Data Transfer Object Model of contract (DTO).
Used to validate contracts (any class that extends AbstractContractModel) and to apply acceptance rules.
IngestExtern interface
Ingest external interface
Main Ingest Client Exception
Ingest external client factory use to get client by type "rest" or "mock"
Exception indicating the resource server has an internal error.
IngestExternalConfiguration contains access informations of ingest
IngestExternalException ingest error
Implementation of IngestExtern
Ingest External web application
Ingest Internal client interface
IngestInternalConfiguration contains access informations of ingest
Main Ingest Client Exception
IngestInternal client factory
Used to create IngestInternal client : if configuration file does not exist 'ingest-internal-client.conf',
mock IngestInternal client will be returned
Mock client implementation for Ingest Internal
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client has an error on the server.
Ingest Internal Configuration
IngestInternal Exception
Ingest Internal web server application
Class Ingest Reponse
Constants for the Ingest Workflow.
Inheritance Model POJO
Pojo for computed inherited property
Pojo for computed inherited rule category
Pojo for computed inherited rule
In and Nin queries
In and Nin queries
Insert: { $query: query, $data : data , $filter: filter} // No query in
Insert: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : multi, $data : data } or [ roots, query, multi, data ]
Insert Parser: { $roots: root, $query : query, $filter : filter, $data : data}
Insert Parser: { $query : query, $filter : filter, $data : data}
Insert to MongoDb
Configuration for interceptor elastic-kibana-interceptor
Interceptor web application
InterceptorResource : intercept request between elastic and kibana replace underscore by sharp and suppress undesired header
InternalSecurityClient Interface
client for identity
configuration file on identity server.
This filter is used to get certificate from ServletRequest Then get vitam context attached to this certificate.
InternalServerException : manage Internal Server Exception
Invalid create operation for request construction
Exception indicating the invalid file format XLM when parsing it
Exception indicating the invalid file format XLM when parsing it
Invalid GUID Exception
Exception to be thrown when json schema loading fails
Invalid parse operation
Invalid Rule Exception when compute rules
PluginNotFoundException thrown by worker when plugin is not installed
IOParameter for action or step
model for personal certificate required
Composite Item Status
Manage the parallelism calls to worker in the same distributor
Class JavaExecuteScript used to execute the shell script in java
IngestInternalException ingest error
Logger factory which creates a java .util.logging logger.
JSON handler using Json format
JsonLine Model.
Exception when creating a json object node from invalid object
Exception to be thrown when json schema validation fails
Helper class for sorting json array of objects by keys For test usages only.
This class is used in order to make transformations on Json objects received from Vitam
Json Type Name enum
This class allows to get an available port during Junit execution
A SequenceInputStream-like implementation with lazy input stream iterator.
Realm query Ldap to get users role
Enum StatusCode different constants status code for workflow , action handler and process
Lifecycle Tracability secure File Object that wrap data for each line in the secured file
Helper class for checking concurrent non completed (running / paused) workflows.
ListArchiveUnitsAction Handler.
ListRunningIngestsAction Handler.
LocalDateTime utilities
LocalFile class Used to specify path of desired local file to ingest
Enum LocalFileAction Different constants handling local file after ingest
Description of where a resource is running.
Model for LocationGroup defined in sead.xsd
The scope of the location
logger factory using SLF4J from Logback
Business class for Logbook Administration (traceability)
Exception is thrown when the object to be created already exists
Business class for Logbook traceability audit
Check consistency logbook service.
Logbook consistency check service.
Logbook check consistency step.
Description of LogbookCheckResult model.
Description of LogbookCheckEvent model.
Description of LogbookCheckResult model.
Exception is thrown when the object to be created already exists
Exception indicating a resource given as parameter is malformed.
Main Logbook Client Exception
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
Exception indicating the Logbook server has an internal error.
All collections
Logbook configuration class mapping
Exception indicating an error with datadase
Global Variables and eventually method used by REST services
MongoDbAccess interface
Logbook details check service.
Logbook details check service.
Logbook Document MongoDb implementation
ElasticSearch model with MongoDB as main database with management of index and index entries
ElasticsearchAccess Factory
Logbook Common event model
Enumeration of the LogbookEvent names.
Logbook operation event model
Enumeration of the Vitam logbook events' types.
Main Logbook Exception
Exception indicating an error while executing a request on database index.
Main Logbook External Client Exception
Business class for Logbook LFC Administration (traceability)
Logbook lifecycle model
Abstract class for Logbook LifeCycle item
LogbookLifeCycleModel interface
Enum with all possible logbook life cycle parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullity
Logbook LifeCycle ObjectGroup item
Logbook LifeCycle ObjectGroup In Process item
Parameters for the logbook life cycles object group
Common abstract class for LogbookLifeCycle Units and ObjectGroups Parameters
Core API for LifeCycles
Logbook client interface
Logbook lifecycles client factory

Use to get a logbook lifecycles client in function of its type.
Logbook LifeCycles implementation base class
Logbook LifeCycle Unit item
Logbook LifeCycle Unit In Process item
Parameters for the logbook operation
Helper for Worker handlers to handle Logbook Lifecycle at startup/at end
Logbook web application
Factory to get MongoDbAccess for Logbook
MongoDb Access implementation base class
Enum with all possible logbook parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullity
Exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
Logbook operation model
Logbook Operation item
Parameters for the logbook operation
Logbook operations interface for database operations
Logbook client interface
Logbook client factory

Used to get a client logbook depending on its type.
Helper implementation of LogbookOperationsClient
Mock client implementation for logbook operation
Decorator for LogbookOperations
Logbook Operations implementation base class
Logbook parameters factory
Factory to get LogbookParameters object
Enum with all possible logbook parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullity
Logbook parameters
Logbook parameters factory
Factory to get LogbookParameters object
Logbook repository : direct access to databases
Logbook service containing common code for logbook
step defining logbook behaviors
Handle specific steps of the traceability process for Storage
Interface used to handle specific steps of the traceability process
traceability iterator for LogbookOperation
LogbookTransformData util
Logbook Process Type
Logbook VarName Adapater
Log Information
Login Model class
Cache implementation with Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy, weighed entry capacity management, and eviction filtering for in-use/non-deletable entries.
Cache entry of LRUCache.
Represents a judge predicate (boolean-valued function) that decides if a cache entry can be evicted.
Sorted Least Recently Used (LRU) queue implementation.
Defines an Management contract model
Contract validator
Data Transfer Object Model of management contract (DTO).
Used to validate contracts (any class that extends AbstractContractModel) and to apply acceptance rules.
Management model
build a SEDA manifest with JAXB.
Manifest file name model
Cache the Marshaller Object as its initialization takes about 40ms
MassUpdateStep class
Match Query
Match query
Max Action: $max : { name : value }
Max Action
Measurement POJO for physical Object
This Iterator take two sorted iterators and merge them.
Helper to get great process operation logbook key and message (outcome) depend on LogbookTypeProcess
Internationalization Messages support
MetaDataAlreadyExistException duplicate error
Description of metadata collection Backup model.
Metadata client interface
Metadata client factory
Mock client implementation for metadata
Exception indicating the Metadata server has an internal error
Metadata Collection
MetaDataConfiguration contains database access informations
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an archive unit contains a special character
The default Vitam Type object to be stored in the database (MongoDb/ElasticSearch mode)
Helper class for metadata documents fields (units & object groups).
MetaDataDocumentSizeException max size exceeded error
MetaDataException the father of all metadata exception
MetaDataExecutionException database error
MetaData Invalid Select Exception: will be thrown for invalid request
MetadataInvalidUpdateException update failed in update operation in metatada
The purpose of this class is to centralize the generation of a metadata json response
MetadataMain class
Object mapping metadataResponse
MetaDataNotFoundException document not found error
Reconstruction of Vitam Metadata Collections.
Metadata repository : direct access to databases
Metadata object
metadata storage object
Helper class for metadata documentation storage.
Metadata Enum for choosing which type to call by the factory client
MigrationFinalize class
MigrationUnitPrepare class
MigrationUnits class
Min Action: $min : { name : value }
Min Action
Exception when missing access contrat
Define Missig field Exception, will be thrown when mandatory field is missing
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
MoreLikeThis Query
the multiple query
Basic client api for vitam client either in Mock or Rest mode
Model Constants interface
MongoDbAccess interface
Factory to get MongoDbAccess for Admin
MongoDbAccess Implement for Admin
Factory to get MongoDbAccess for Metadata
MongoDbAccess Implement for Admin
MongoDb Access Referential interface
MongoDb Helper
Tools to update a Mongo document (as json) with a dsl query.
Response filter changing _varname to corresponding #varname according to ParserTokens
MongoDbNode class defining a mongo db node
MongoDbNode class defining a mongo db node
MongoDbNode class defining a mongo db node
Model for VarNameAdapter
Launch a single instance of Mongo database, drop collection after each test
Generate multiples InputStreams from one to many using Pipe
Reader for multiplexed streams.
Write for multiplexed streams.
Search Query
NodeIterable class
Thrown when updating an existing non updatable object.
Correspond to an nop query (like "{{'$nop':'1'}}")
Correspond to an nop query (like "{{'$nop':'1'}}")
Exception when has no writing permission
Simple object holding data used to retrieve an Object from the workspace
create instance for JAXB model (necessary to jaxb)
ObjectGroupDocumentHash class
Plugin compute graph of object group
Mapper that map ObjectGroupResponse(POJO Dslquery response) to a DataObjectPackage (JAXB elements)
ObjectGroupPerOriginatingAgency class describing ObjectGroup
Object Mapping for object group used in AccessInternalModuleImp
Offer configuration
Offer diff request model
Iterate over OfferLog
Offer Log request data.
Description of offerSync request item model.
Description of offerSync request item model.
Unique Reference to an offer declared in a strategy.
Offer sequence.
manage list ok and ko for retry storage feature
Synchronization of a storage offer from another one.
Offer synchronization request item model.
Manages offer synchronization service.
Offset-based pagination using HTTP Headers
Offset collection repository (use for logbook and metadata database)
Defines an ontology collection.
Ontology Import ErrorCode enumeration
OntologyInternalExternalConflictException error
This class manage validation and log operation of Ontology service
POJO java use for mapping @Ontology
Enum for Ontology origin
This service manages CRUD on Ontologies
The implementation of the Ontology CRUD service
Creates BlobStoreContext configured on StorageConfiguration storage.conf file .
Used to expose method getting status of an operation
Enum StatusCode different constants status code for workflow , action handler and process
Enumeration of the outcome status.
Pagination Helper
Main configuration for Rest Pagination
Parameters helper use to check required parameters
Checker for Parameters

Can be used for String (testing also emptiness) and for general Object.
For null String only, use the special method.
Helper class for certificate parsing X509 certificates.
specific fields: nbunits, dua, ...
PassiveExpiringMap-like cache implementation with Vitam LocalDate (simplifies time-based unit tests)
Path Query
Path query
Pause cancel exception
simple logger to use same logger with same format for all performance time.
resource defining performance
Permission model POJO
read permission of resources class
Handles personal certificate permission check
Model for PersistentIdentifier
Model for PersistentIdentifier defined in seda.xsd
Description of persistent identifier reconstruction request item model.
Personal certificate exception
Mapper for PersonalCertificateException
Personal Certificate POJO
Pojo for personal certificate permission configuration
Handles PersonalCertificatePermissionConfig loading & validation
Manages personal certificates
store Personal certificate in mongo.
Model for PersonOrEntityAndBusiness defined in seda.xsd
PhysicalDimensions mapper
PhysicalDimensions for physical Object
class storing configuration and type of a plugin
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM plugin exceptions.
Plugin Helper
Basic helper methods for reclassification plugins
load all the plugins according to plugins.json file.
PluginNotFoundException thrown by worker when plugin is not installed
Description of the Plugin Properties.
Plugin Messages Helper for Logbooks
Pop Action: $pop : { name : -1/1 }
Pop Action
Prepares the execution of atomic update queries.
PrepareStorageInfoActionHandler Handler.
Prepare the archive units to update
Wrapper around a multiplexed stream to prepend it with a header entry.
Accession Register Handler
PreservationStep class
Asynchrone exchange Model
Enum for check if is a primitive value or is not a primitive value.
A task queue backed by a "regular priority" bounded blocking queue, and a "high-priority" non-blocking queue.
Enum of process workflow execution mode
Step Type
Process Data Access Interface offers services
ProcessMonitoringImpl class implementing the ProcessMonitoring Persists processWorkflow object (to json) at each step in process/ name as .json Remove this file at the end (completed, failed state)
Interface for process datas management service (persist and restore workflow)
Model for the detail of a process.
interface ProcessDistributor

improves a availability and scalability
Various methods Distributor engine
The Process Distributor call the workers and intercept the response for manage a post actions step
Process Engine Interface Provides access to all the services and to manage a workflow of operations.
Class ProcessEngineFactory Goal : create an instance of ProcessEngineImpl
ProcessEngineImpl class manages the context and call a process distributor
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Exception handled by the ProcessEngine.
The ProcessingEntry class.
Exception is the superclass of all VITAM processing exceptions.
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when a fatal error occurred
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when there is a line break or spaces where should not be
Processing Management Client
ProcessingManagement factory for creating ProcessingManagement client
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with reference occurred in the manifest, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with everyDataObjectVersion is false when object group is attached to an existing objectGroup , not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error with master is not present in the manifest, not a fatal error
ProcessingStorageWorkspaceException thrown by ProcessDataManagement when an error occurs on workspace actions
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Define a Processing Exception to be thrown when an error occurred, not a fatal error
Processing Uri format
Interface of the private class ServerIdentity
ProcessManagement interface This service will be invoked by Ingest Module
ProcessManagementImpl implementation of ProcessManagement API
The process management application is to launch process engine vitamServer
Process Monitoring Interface offers services in order to monitor workflows
ProcessMonitoringImpl class implementing the ProcessMonitoring
Model to pause processes.
Temporary process populator
Query model to search in process.
Process Response class
Contains global process status, messages and list of action results
The different states of the ProcessWorkflow For each state (PAUSE, RUNNING, COMPLETED) we can send an number of events.
Step Object in process workflow
Proccess Workflow contains a different operations and status attribute
Collect metrics from processing operations.
ProcessWorkflowNotFoundException manage workflow not found Exception
ProcessManagementImpl implementation of ProcessManagement API
Producer-Consumer lock implementation : ( Inspired from implementation Implements AutoCloseable - When closed, all locks are unlocked.
Defines a Profile collection.
Created by djamel Hamas on 5/9/17.
This class manage validation and log operation of profile service
Data Transfer Object Model of Profile (DTO).
Exception indicating that there is not file containing file format vitam.
Exception indicating that there is no XSD or RNG path file in the given profile.
This service manages the creation, update, find, ...
The implementation of the profile servie This implementation manage creation, update, ...
Created by djamel Hamas on 5/9/17.
Profile Step
Used to validate profiles and to apply acceptance rules.
Rejection Cause
project model
repository for project entities management in mongo.
PronomParser parse the xml pronom file to get the info on file format
Property Utility class NOTE for developers: Do not add LOGGER there
Pull Action: $pull : { name : [ value, value, ...
Pull Action
Purge accession register preparation handler.
Purge accession register update plugin.
Purge delete object group plugin.
PurgeDeleteService class
Purge detach object group plugin.
Purge object group preparation handler.
Purge unit plugin.
Push Action: $push : { name : [ value, value, ...
Push Action
move a binary file from storage to workspace
Object mapping QualifiersResponse
Query component
repository for Tapes Catalog management in mongo.
Helper for Parsing and Execution
Query DTO class
Query Filter POJO
Query helper (common to all types: SELECT, UPDATE, INSET, DELETE)
Query from Parser Helper
Query Pattern
Query Projection POJP
Elasticsearch Translator
Query to MongoDB
RangeFacetValue pojo
Range Query
The range query
Model for querying raw lifecycles by last persisted date
Proxy StorageDistribution implementation that prevents write operations on ReadOnly deployments (secondary site)
Pojo for reclassification child node export
Service for distributing
Reclassification finalization handler.
Pojo class for reclassification orders
Reclassification graph check handler.
Reclassification hold rule check handler.
Reclassification request loading handler.
Reclassification update distribution handler.
Dsl schema validator for reclassification update DSL queries.
Exception used for Reconstruction service
Description of reconstruction item model.
Description of reconstruction request item model.
Description of reconstruction request item model.
Description of reconstruction request item model.
Description of reconstruction response item model.
Description of reconstruction response item model.
Description of reconstruction response item model.
Reconstrution of Vitam Collections interface.
Reconstruction of Vitam Logbook Operation Collections.
Reconstrution of Vitam Collections.
Old Signature.ReferencedObject model (Seda 2.1 & 2.2).
Referential Accession Register Implement
FileFormatException error
Common utils for masterdata referential sevices.
ReferentialFormatFileImpl implementing the ReferentialFormatFile interface
Exception thrown when a file rules import is already in progress
Exception indicating that Referential Not Found.
IndexationResult pojo
Rename Action: $rename : { name : newname }
Rename Action
cucumber report for an individual test
Common constants for reports.
Item status for a report item
Class for reports
List of status used in report.
Authorization Wrapper
Description of RequestFacetItem model.
generate a X-request-Id, and add-it on VitamSession
abstract class for multi query request
RequestParser Helper to get the correct Request Parser from String or from Json.
RequestParser Helper to get the correct Request Parser from String or from Json.
Partial Request Parser (common base): { $roots: root, $query : query, $filter : filter }
Single Request Parser (common base) { $query : query, $filter : filter }
Abstract RequestResponse for all request response in Vitam
Storage RequestResponseError class contains error list
Access RequestResponseOK class contains list of results
default results : is an empty list (immutable)
Request response
Request for Single Mode Query
Request To X Abstract class.
Request To Elasticsearch
Request to MongoDb
Helper for getting Response as Outbound Response
Default ExpectedResults
Service used to recover a Backup copy of the given Vitam collection.
Service used to recover a Backup copy of logbook operation Vitam collection.
Service used to recover a Backup copy of the given metadata Vitam collection.
Service used to recover a Backup copy of the given Vitam collection.
Service used to recover Backup copies.
Abstract class for Result
Result LRU in memory version
Result Error only
IndexUnit Handler
Utility to launch the rule audit through command line and external scheduler
Map data base representation of rules to a jaxb representation =&tg; Map RuleCategoryModel to CommonRule
Map data base representation of rules to a jaxb representation => Map RuleCategoryModel to CommonRule
Enum for Rule Measurement
CheckArchiveUnitSchema Plugin.
Junit Test method annotation used to run the associated test in a specific Thread (RunWithCustomExecutorRule.
Junit Test rule used to run tests with a given Executor ; such tests should be annotated with the RunWithCustomExecutor annotation.
Checker for Sanity of file manipulation to avoid Path Traversal vulnerability
Checker for Sanity of XML, Json and JsonL (json-lines)

Json : check if json is not exceed the limit size, if json does not contain script tag
XML: check if XML file is not exceed the limit size, and it does not contain CDATA, ENTITY or SCRIPT tag
Common filter checker for header, uri and parameter
Filter checker for body inputstream
Filter checker for body json
Path Sanity check wrapper around DefaultOfferService.
Dynamic filter checker for resources
Scheduler Admin Vitam Application
DSL Schema Class
Defines a schema collection.
This Common service for managing schema
SchemaImportValidationException error
POJO for external input schema api
POJO java use for mapping @fr.gouv.vitam.functional.administration.common.Schema
Enum for Schema origin
POJO java for schema response
This service to manage schema operations
Exception to be thrown when validation error occurs
ScrollSpliteratorHelper class
Search Query
Search Query
Defines minimal common configurations for secure client configuration properties.
Defines minimal common configurations for secure client configuration properties.
SecureClientConfiguration interface's implementation
SecureClientConfiguration interface's implementation
Secure configuration
Annotation for REST endpoints to be secured by security profile filtering.
Secure endpoint registry.
Jax-rs scanner for secure endpoint auto-discovery on extarnal apps startup
Helper for secure xml factory initialization.
Repository for mongo security data migration
Security data migration service.
Defines a Security Profile collection.
Data Transfer Object Model of security profile (DTO).
Security Profile Step
Seda Configuration class
Constants for the Seda used in Json files
the class SedaUtilInfo is used for storing the DataObjectId and BinaryObjectInfo in a map
SedaUtils to read or split element from SEDA
Check Seda Validation status values
SedaUtils Factory to create SedaUtils
The class SedaVersion used to get the list the versions by type of Data Object from the file version.conf
SELECT for Single Mode Query
Dsl schema validator for multiple queries DSL queries.
Select: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : filter, $projection : projection, $facets : facet }
Select Parser: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : filter, $projection : projection }
Select Parser: { $query : query, $filter : filter, $projection : projection }
Dsl schema validator for single query DSL queries.
Select To Elasticsearch
Select to MongoDb
ServerConfiguration class contains the different parameter {hostName ,ipAddress, port }to connect a remote server such as workspace or metaData
Server Identity containing ServerName, ServerRole, Global PlatformId
This is a private Common.

By default this class is initialized with default values:
ServerName: hostname or UnknownHostname if not found ServerRole: UnknownRole ServerId: partial MAC ADDRESS as integer SiteId : 0
One should initialize its server instance by calling:
Map key for setFromMap
Implementation of ServerIdentityConfiguration Interface
Defines minimal common configurations for server identity configuration properties.
Interface of the private class ServerIdentity
Enum of Vitam services
Set Action: $set : { name : value, name : value, ...
Set Action
Setregex Action: $setregex : { name : value, name : value, ...
Setregex Action
Shorthand for ReferenceFormat, except that it is defined by a simple string.
ShutDown Hook Filter save and remove request-id in ThreadManager
Siegfried client interface
Siegfield Client factory
Siegfried query parameters (version >= 1.7.10)
Old Signature model (Seda 2.1 & 2.2).
Old Signature.SignedObjectDigest model (Seda 2.1 & 2.2).
simple implementation on MongoDbAccess
Simple class to replace # by _, use only for FunctionalAdministration collection.
Model for VarNameAdapter for Single collections
Model for VarNameAdapter for Single collections
Input stream with read size
Helper for writing mixed level (distribution group) of json line entries into a single json line sorted by distribution group
Spliterator to Iterator Adapter.
SSL Configuration
SSL Configuration
State Machine class implementing the Interface.
Class StateMachineFactory Goal : create an instance of StateMachine
This exception is thrown only if transition for the currentState to the given new state is not allowed Possible case: current state is completed, any action (next, resume, cancel, pause) current state is running, action is next or resume
Enum StatusCode different constants status code for workflow , action handler and process
Default Status message (at that time)
Step Object in process workflow
StepAlreadyExecutedException manage steps already executed Exception
AccessRequest creation request for async offer (tape library storage)
Storage already exists Client Exception
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something already exists and it should not
Request for bulk storage of files
Response for bulk storage of files
Data structure representing global result from a 'get storage container information / capacity' request
Object availability check for async offer (tape library storage).
Object availability check result for async offer (tape library storage).
Storage Client interface
Main Storage Client Exception
StorageClient factory
Mock client implementation for storage
Implementation of TraceabilityIterator for Storage.
Storage configuration contains all configuration items for storage offers
StorageCRUDUtils class this class is a tool for crud operation for storage
Interface Storage Distribution for Storage Operations
StorageDistribution service Implementation process continue if needed)
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers in case of conflicting resource
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers Note: it is intended to NOT extends VitamException in order to not have a dependency to common-public in this module
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something wrong with the driver mapper (updating driver / offer associations)
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers in case resource was not found on the storage offer
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when the driver manager does not find a required driver (from an offer)
Contains all Vitam common driver parameters name.
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers in case resource requested is already existing
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers in case resource requested is already existing
Exceptions to be thrown by the storage drivers in case of
Main Storage Exceptions
Helper class for storage file name parsing
Request for object metadata
Request for object metadata
Holds result data that come as a result of a request to retrieve an object on the distant storage offer
Storage Illegal Operation Client Exception
The class StorageInformation is used to store information about the storage
Object mapping Storage Response
Holds minimal needed parameters that may be needed to send a request on an object on the distant storage offer : list objects.
Storage log provider.
Business class for Storage Log Administration (backup)
Storage log appender.
Storage Logbook Operation Outcome values
Enum with all possible logbook storage parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness or nullity
Storage Logbook Parameters Class
exception when the backup task failed
Display logged messages from workspace
Storage NotFound Client Exception
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when something is not found
Holds minimal needed parameters that may be needed to send a request on an object on the distant storage offer : object informations.
Holds minimal data that should be received a result from an object on the distant storage offer : object informations.
Define a Storage offer configuration
This interface aims to provide a set of methods (or adjust some ones in StorageOfferProvider) that offer some HA (High Availability) capabilities : Through manual or automatic failover mechanism to make an offer in inactive state
build a query.
result of the getLast request.
This interface aims at providing a set of method that are common with no concerns of the offer configuration persistence implementation (ie: implementation could be Filesystem, Database...)
Factory class to provide StorageOfferProvider implementation
Storage offers provider
Holds every needed parameters that may be needed to put an object on the distant storage offer.
Holds result data that come as a result of a request to put an object on the distant storage offer
DTO for map #storage in objectGroup
Holds every needed parameters that may be needed to remove an object on the distant storage offer.
Holds result data that come as a result of a request to remove an object on the distant storage offer
Holds minimal needed parameters that may be needed to send a request on the distant storage offer : container informations.
Holds minimal data that should be received a result from the distant storage offer : container informations.
Exception indicating the Storage server has an internal error.
Storage step
Represents a storage strategy (that may be mapped from Json but not exclusively)
This interface aims at providing a set of method that are common with no concerns of the strategy configuration implementation (ie: implementation could be Filesystem, Database...)
Factory class to provide StorageStrategyProvider implementation
Storage strategy utils.
Exception thrown when any unwilling technical exception occurs
Business class for Storage Traceability Administration
Tuple that contains information of a previous Storage treaceability operation (from zip file)
Enum with all possible Storage Type
Storage Client Exception thrown when access to data from async offer requires valid access request
Define a Storage Exception to be thrown when access to data from async offer is not acceptable
Creates ContentAddressableStorage configured in a configuration file
Data structure representing global result from a 'createObject' request
ZIP the ExportsPurge and move it from workspace to storage
Exception used for StoreGraphService
This class get units where calculated data are modified Zip generated files and store the zipped file in the offer.
Stores MetaData object group plugin.
Stores MetaData unit plugin.
StoreObjectGroupAction Plugin.
StreamAndInfo class
This class supports Helpers on streams.
String utils
Here we declare all SEDA versions supported by Vitam with their XSD Validators to use later for Generating ATR, DIP and TRANSFER.
Swift abstract implementation Manage with all common swift methods
SwiftKeystoneFactory V3
Handles multiple inconsistencies in large object handling in previous Swift V2 & V3 implementations.
Index Parameters class
Used as key map
Utility class to be used only in classes where VitamLogger is not allowed
A collection of utility methods to retrieve and parse the values of the Java system properties.
Inspired from SystemUtils.html
repository for Tapes Catalog management in mongo.
TapeDrive or tape drive
Tape drive that read and write in the tape cartridge
Manager used to get TapeDriveCommandService and TapeReadWriteService
For more information, @see
Helper class for emulating a Tape Library behaviour for integration testing purposes.
Helper JUnit Rule for setup / clean of a TapeLibrarySimulator as test context.
A barcode reader to identify tape cartridges and an automated method for loading tapes
Tenant Filter
Term Query
Term query
Terms facet
Default VitamClientFactory for Test purpose only
Default VitamClientFactory for Test purpose only
TextByLang class
ThreadManager class to manage all request in and out
Response of thread storage
TimeStamp exception
Generate a time stamp token for a specific hash
sign a timestramp request with the current date, two implementation are possible: - sign with a local keystore - call an external service
Generate a time stamp token with a local PKCS12 keystore.
Class used to save traceability event to be store in logbook collection
exception when the traceability task failed
Used to handle zip file for traceability
Pojo for traceability hash computation details
Specific iterator that must be able to compute the size of the iterator (after iteration over data) and an end date
Service used to make the generic traceability algo.
Service that allow Storage Traceability to use StorageDistribution in order to get some file and information in Offers
Type of logbook traceability
Transaction model
repository for collect entities management in mongo.
Transfer notification reply handler
Transfer reply unit preparation handler.
Thread Future used to send stream to one offer
Transform Json Tree To Xml list of xml Element
Constants used by Server Application
Unit class:
Unit attachment plugin.
Unit detachment plugin.
Plugin compute graph of units
Pojo for in unit graph deserialization
Helper class for db access via DSL for reclassification
unit graph model.
Pojo for computed inherited rules of per category
Check update permissions.
contains a aggregate with number of unit per originating agency
Pojo for unit graph and rule information deserialization of response from DSL response
UnitsRulesCompute Plugin.
Unit rules compute status values
Unit Process Type
Mockito Matcher that checks unordered list equality to avoid order validation.
Annotation for REST endpoints that are excluded for security profile based filtering.
UnSet Action: $unset : [ name, name, ...
UnSet Action
Update: { $query : query, $filter : multi, $action : action } or [ query, multi, action ]
Update associated actions helper
Query from Parser Helper
Dsl schema validator for bulk update request.
Dsl schema validator for update by id DSL queries.
Dsl schema validator for multiple update DSL queries.
Update: { $roots: roots, $query : query, $filter : multi, $action : action } or [ roots, query, multi, action ]
This plugin, add diff (some original object group data) to item status, so, WorkerImpl can create a GOT LFC with those information
Update Parser: { $roots: root, $query : query, $filter : filter, $action : action }
Select Parser: { $query : query, $filter : filter, $actions : actions }
Description of AccessInternal permissions exception class.
Update to MongoDb
Generate the report :
- compute data from batch-report
- store the report file
- clean the batch-report data
Constants for the Ingest Workflow.
HandlerIO argument Types
Class Utils that extracts a uri from a path
URL Codec
Manage all the transactions received form the User Interface : a gateway to VITAM intern
Specific message for validation error
Error codes
Exception for validation errors.
DSL Validator from a Schema.
DSL Validator from a Schema.
Class representing a Signer or a Validator
Model for VarNameAdapter (Unit/ObjectGroup) internal usage.
Model for VarNameAdapter for external usage (security for Object/Unit)
Model for VarNameAdapter for Insert
Model for VarNameAdapter for Update
Using Merkle trees to detect inconsistencies in data
Created by kw on 31/12/2016.
Object mapping VersionsResponse
Object mapping VersionsResponse
Vtam Specific Apache Http Client Engine In particular, handle chunk mode
Vtam Specific Apache Http Client Engine In particular, handle chunk mode
Default implementation of a strategy deciding about connection re-use.
Default implementation of a strategy deciding about connection re-use.
VitamApplication Interface
Common interface for all application configuration.
Common interface for all application configuration.
As restEasy application is lazy load, and some classes are needed for both Jetty server and resteasy configuration This Factory helps to make bridge between jetty server and resteasy configuration.
VitamApplicationInterface Interface
Exception when the client is disconnected
// * This exception must be used when an error occured while creating, configuring or starting a VitamServer
Factory to create ArchiveInputStreams from names
Factory to create ArchiveInputStreams from names
This class implements a fake InputStream from a Response such that the response will be closed once the stream is closed itself.
Annotation for REST endpoints to be based on Basic authentication fitering.
Generic Vitam Autocloseable Interface
InputStream used to prevent consume an already consumed stream
Generic exception throws by any vitam java client
General VitamClientFactory for non SSL client
General VitamClientFactory for non SSL client
Vitam Http Client Factory Interface
enum to define client type
Internal exception throws by any vitam java client when unknown issue occurs
List of Vitam errors.
Helper to get error message or VitamCode from Service, Domain and item or from error code
Vitam Collection for mongodb
Vitam Collection Helper
This class contains default values shared among all services in Vitam
This class contains Vitam Data
Constants class for Vitam internal features
Defines commons client parameters for vitam external rest API
Vitam functional counter service
Vitam version of Validator for the date-time-vitam format attribute
Vitam database exception.
Vitam Document MongoDb abstract
VitamDocumentCodec<T extends org.bson.Document>
MongoDB Codec for all VitamDocument
Implementation for Elasticsearch
VitamError class
Vitam Error Messages Helper for take value of the key in
Class utils: generate VitamError
Main Vitam Exception
Fatal Runtime Vitam Exception
Vitam Field Helper to facilitate the usage of field names
Enum use to represent possible HTTP header for Vitam application.
Ko Runtime Vitam Exception
Vitam Messages Helper for Logbooks
Internal-use-only logger used by VITAM.
Creates an VitamLogger or changes the default factory implementation.
Dummy Implementation of Logger for ESAPI
Dummy Implementation of Logger Factory for Esapi
The log level that VitamLogger can log at.
Interface used to create new parameter class
This class expose wait methods that implements pooling logic
Vitam reader Spliterator.
This repository is a specification of vitam data management
Reconstruction instance for instantiating mongoDB and elasticsearch repository.
Description of reconstruction service factory.
VitamRepository status.
VitamResourceMetadata interface describing a resource metadata
Various key for RestEsy configuration
Vitam Restassured like client for Junit test

Vitam Restassured like client for Junit test

VItam Rest Test: mimic of Restassured.RequestSpecification
VItam Rest Test: mimic of Restassured.RequestSpecification
Vitam rule service
Main Runtime Vitam Exception
Thrown for internal security
Defines a Contract Sequence collection.
Interface for every Vitam REST Server
Vitam Server factory for REST server
Vitam Server Interface
VitamServerLifeCycle is used to be able to do actions when server is going to stop or when started This implementation is for jetty server.
VItam Service Registry that contains all dependencies for the current Application
Generic VitamSession object ; used to store thread context information.
launch vitam server
Interface VitamStatusService Interface of Basic Functionality Management for Status Services
VitamStorageMetadata interface describing storage metadata
Helper for Streaming to output one InputStream or File in non async mode
Custom Object Storage service alternative for openstack4j Adapted from ObjectStorageObjectServiceImpl openstack4j lib (apache2 license)
Vitam Synchronization exception.
Exception used when local thread does not give access to the VitamSession.
Simple ThreadFactory setting Threads to be Daemon threads (do not prevent shutdown) ; in addition, creates VitamThread allowing us to put session information in those threads.
Vitam Thread implementation ; mainly used to attach a threadlocal session to it.
Utility to get access to VitamSession of the current Thread
Web Application Configuration class
Web Application Configuration class
Web Application Resource class
Web Application Resource class
Web Application Resource class for delete features
WebPreservationResource class
Wildcard Query
Wildcard query
Worker Interface.
Access request detail for worker client serializing/deserializing
Action interface: is a contract for different action Handler event action handler class must be implement this interface
Worker class used for deserialize JSON file (root element)
Worker Client interface
worker client configuration
Main Worker Client Exception
WorkerClient factory
Worker configuration class mapping
manage one worker with n thread
WorkerImpl Factory to create workerImpl
Worker Family not found exception throws by engine
WorkerImpl class implements Worker interface
Worker information class
Worker web server application
WorkerManager class contains methods to manage workers
Worker NotFound Client Exception
Worker not found exception throws by engine
Enum with all possible worker parameters

Use to set parameter value and to check emptiness nullity
Class use to manage parameters for and on worker
Worker parameters factory
Factory to get WorkerParameters object Example:
Worker register task : register the current worker server to the processing server.
Listener used for registration between the current worker and the processing server
Worker remote configuration : contains the properties used to create a worker client.
Exception indicating the Worker server has an internal error.
Worker Unreachable Exception
workflow class used for deserialize JSON file (root element)
A non-blocking / stateless function that checks if corresponding workflow is being interrupted (paused or canceled).
Workflow not found exception throws by engine.
Workspace Action enum
This task is responsible of sending files to the workspace
WorkspaceClient factory for creating workspace client
Thrown when there is an error on a zip file resource (format, etc).
Constants for the Workspace.
Workspace Filesystem implementation
Workspace implemenation for workflows datas management
Workspace Queue class
This task is responsible of sending files to the workspace
Workspace Enum for choosing which type to call by the factory client
Annotation for Storage Engine endpoints for to prevent access to Write APIs (reserved for primary site only)
Filter to prevent access to WriteProtected APIs (reserved for primary site only)
Scanner that prevents Write APIs to be invoked on secondary site.
Custom Class for DescriptiveMetadataContentType.Writer (Seda 2.1) Problem (with merge of two choice elements) : getting JAXB "catch-all" property (one content property generated of type List of JAXBElement) because of the following reason : The field name "Identifier" is used by two different parts of a schema in choice element.
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0) This implementation enable authentication by header if no certificate found in the request attribute and the useHeader parameter is true The checked header is "X-SSL-CLIENT-CERT" and the value must be a valid public certificate as pem formatted string To enable this filter, replace in shiro.ini the key x509 to be equal to the current filter as follow.
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0)
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0)
Based on work: Copyright Paul Merlin 2011 (Apache Licence v2.0)
X509 Keystore File Realm
X509 Keystore File Realm with Role/Permissions
Utility class for X.509 PKI certificate and CRL profile.
XMLGregorian calendar Serializer
XSRF Filter Helper
Thrown when there is an not allowed file or folder name in the zip